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With the help of the telekinetic woman and the Weaver, we were all sailing through the brisk night sky from rooftop to rooftop. I clung on to Ash's sweater tightly for some sort of comfort, my other hand throbbing in pain. I shut my eyes until we stopped moving.

"Well, this is goodnight I guess," sighed the woman. Ash just nodded curtly. Both the woman and the man named Malcolm jumped off the edge of the rooftop we'd stopped on without any trace of fear. I assumed they'd probably done so many times, and with their powers they knew that they would be safely on the ground anyways.

Part of the roof opened up, the metal curling like pieces of ribbon and forming a makeshift staircase. Ash carried me all the way down and sealed the ceiling back up again, leaving us in a deadly quiet and dark room. She took me down a staircase with a glass railing next to an entire wall made up of stacked bookshelves. My eyes widened as they fell on the dim sight of a spacious living room simply decorated with a sofa, coffee table, and piano. Huge glass windows overlooking the city made up two sides of the room's walls. I gasped at the sight, causing Ash to chuckle at me as she always does.

When we got to the lowest landing, Ash put me down on the sofa and disappeared through a doorway to my right. I heard a light flicker on and her shuffling. I surveyed my surroundings, panic rising as I realized that there were no doors - just metal walls that I assumed Ash would bend when she had to leave.

I had no time to freak out since Ash returned with a rag, some ice sliding around in a bowl, and a first-aid kit. She sat down next to me and took my injured hand in her own as gently as she could.

"Seems like I won't need to punish you this time." Ash's eyes softened when they observed my hand. It was noticeably swollen and there was a cut I hadn't even noticed on my knuckles. They must have split open when I tried to punch Ash... still embarrassing. There was some blood, but not enough to bleed on anything but my hand.

Ash popped open the first-aid kit, taking out an alcohol swab to disinfect my wound. My eyes widened and I jumped back to the far end of the couch, earning a confused look from Ash.

"NO way you're using that stuff on me," I protested, "It hurts SO much!" Ash raised an eyebrow and sighed, making the beckoning motion again. I yelped as I would helplessly pulled towards her by the damn collar. She took my wrist and swiftly cleaned the wound as I squirmed and winced with pain. Her grip was much stronger than my struggling and I couldn't resist her at all. When she was done, she wrapped my burning knuckles in a tightly bound bandage and gave it a peck.

"I'm sorry, Princess" she purred, "I had to." I pouted and turned away from her. First she abducts me, then she hurts me! Unbelievable!

Without a warning, Ash grabbed my chin and turned my face towards hers. I could practically feel her gaze literally burn into mine as she stared me down with an intensity unmatched by any flame. Then, she crashed her lips into mine, pulling me closer as she kissed me deeply. I felt myself getting lost in the action, my lips moving against her own without me telling them to. It felt so natural, so good. I nibbled on her bottom lip, making her growl. She laced her fingers with my locks of dark brown hair and pulled aggressively. But it hurt with an exciting pain. I wanted her to pull harder. To show me that she was in charge.

My eyes snapped open as I pushed her away. She looked confused, as was I by my lust for her. I couldn't believe how easily I was falling for her touch. I turned my face away, only to have Ash grab me by the chin again. She wouldn't let me look away.

"Did I hurt you?" she asked in a caring tone. I shook my head slowly and hesitantly.

"That's not it."

"Then what's wrong?" There were so many things wrong with our situation. How could I be here making out with Ash, the notorious criminal Queen of the City? Just hours after people died by her hands, I'm lounging in her home... I just feel wrong. I feel like I'm doing the wrong thing. Ash is wrong for me.

"Everything's wrong," I hissed. "You kidnapped me!" Ash looked stunned for a moment, but then she started to laugh. I could feel the heat rising to my face as my embarrassment reached new levels as she stopped.

"Of course I did," she said as she kissed my forehead lovingly. "I'm going to make you mine. You're going to be my little Angel, a little kitten I can keep all to myself." She smirked as she observed my horrified reaction to her words. I couldn't believe my ears at all.

"And what if I don't want that fate?"

"Then you're going to have to learn how to accept your destiny." Ash pecked me on the lips, leaving me unable to argue any further. I felt frustrated, perplexed, and unable to express any of my distress. I felt a cold pressure on my hand, which was still throbbing with pain even though I'd ceased to notice for a while. Ash pressed the rag wrapped around ice cubes gingerly, trying her best not to hurt me. How could a monster be so tender?

"How does it feel now?" She broke the silence and looked up at me inquisitively. I could sense she genuinely wanted to know. I shrugged.

"Better. I should've punched you harder." Ash chuckled and I half-smiled. I felt like we were still at the prison, joking around during one of our sessions. I wondered how our relationship would unfold now, with Ash freed and myself in the prisoner's role now.

"You can try," she threatened menacingly. I shivered at her tone of voice. "I guarantee you will be punished." I frowned.

"Punished? I'm not a kid."

"You will be punished until you learn how to behave for me." I gaped at her words as she triumphantly looked down upon me.

"You're just spouting nonsense!"

"I'll let your disrespect slide for today since you've been through a lot. But I'm warning you: I will make you obedient. You'll be completely mine." Something about Ash's declaration filled me with a sense of excitement/want and I hated myself for it. I wanted her to want me, because I wanted her back. But I also wanted to be free, and I wanted to see Grace.

I wonder what I really wanted most at this point. Did I want Ash's affection or my normal life back?

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