Day One - Anthropomorphic Erotica

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John McJohn looked at the small crowd of people in the house. Twelve of them, all criminals, all in a single house, all of them to be victims of his twisted mind. John looked for someone to talk to before he killed them.

Unfortunately, John had been the last to arrive to the House, and everyone else had already split off into a few groups. There was the Girls – four of them all standing around and talking about something (boys, probably), the Losers – some dude wearing a dark hood, a man who looked like a wrestler, a stoner and an old man, and the Brothers – two bros just hanging around, one taller than the other with majestic hair and six point five feet of boy band material. Upon closer inspection, they were probably brothers.

The only person who was not paired up with someone was an average looking man tossing a rock up and down. John slipped silently next to him so nobody would notice how alone he was.

"I'm John," John whispered loudly.

"Jeremy." Jeremy extended a hand. "Why are you here?"

John shook Jeremy's extended hand. "I stole a loaf of bread."

"Honestly, John, that doesn't seem like something you would get jailed for."

"I stole a loaf of bread and then beat my family to death with it."

"Oh." Jeremy smirked. "Nice."

John had originally planned for Jeremy to be his first victim, but he was pretty cool. Maybe Jeremy would be the last to die instead.

"What did you do?" John asked, not curious, but hoping to continue the conversation.

"Me? Oh, I stoned a guy to death." Jeremy flashed a smile that could be described as charming, but that would be too gay, and John was not gay.

John was going to make a comment on Jeremy's crime, but an intercom boomed on.

"Hello, Inmates, and welcome to the Easy Way Out!!"

The volume of the speaker was unbearable, and since the noise was coming from the corner, everyone covered their ears and huddled in the middle of the room.

"I am the DungeonMaster, and-" they paused- "whoops, sorry, looks like the volume is a little high, I'll just..." There was shuffling and the pressing of buttons before a muffled voice came from behind the microphone. "George? George! Where's the volume control?"

There was more shuffling and then some clicking.

"So, welcome to the Easy Way Out, yada yada." The intercom was now at a bearable volume. "I have a date in like, an hour and I don't want to be late so let's make this quick."

Everyone looked at the people next to them, nodding and murmuring their agreement to their neighbours.

"So! There are a lot of rules, but most of them aren't important, so I'll just skim them." John shugged. Seemed fair. The only rules he needed to know were the ones about killing.

"Six rooms, you pick who you're with."

Hmm. Jeremy would be a good candidate.

"Two bathrooms, one on either side of the house, and..." There was a pause before the DM coughed. "You don't need to know about that."

Yeah. If the DM thought it was useless, nobody would need to know it.

"The WiFi password is EasyWay123, capital E and W. Everyone has been issued a phone, but you're all young and you can work it out yourselves."

An old man stuck his fist in the air and shouted.

"Yeah, you're young, ninety isn't all that old compared to the eldritch abomination in the..." They coughed again. "The entire thirteen days is televised. Don't worry about embarrassing yourself, nobody watches it anyway."

The Super Dead Brother Gamesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें