Day Ten - You, of All People, Are Allergic To Bees

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Dominus Apis remembered the days before he had come into the house. Yes, an enormous two weeks previously, he had been the indestructible, infallible, evil villain Dominus Apis.

Yep, he was still using the same name. Shut up.

He had been the perfect supervillain, all his plans succeeding with flying colours.

Until he came along.

The also indestructible, also infallible, good hero Always High Guy.

He was the perfect superhero, who overthrew every single villain he came across without fail. He did it all while he was high.

Always High Guy had, until then, stayed out of Apis' way. But they crossed paths when one of Apis' plans involved Guy's best friend Victoria.

Apis had always held a grudge against Victoria, ever since that art competition in grade two where he came second to Victoria. First prize, for a painting of a flower. Apis' pencil drawing of a mecha was much more deserving, and yet, she won.

He was salty and he was not going to forget the fact that she did him wrong. He was not going to forget ever.

Dead jumped out of bed. Today would be a good day. Sad was still alive, he was still alive, and nothing ridiculous had happened by nine o clock in the morning. Nobody would die today, that was for sure, and definitely not the not-quite-naked muscly guy he tried to kill yesterday. He was going to make sure everyone stayed alive, as a kind of repayment for trying to kill them all.

Sad was still refusing to talk to him, but that was okay. Everything was okay. And as long as Sad didn't die before they escaped the house, everything was going to be okay.

This was going to be a great day.

Dominus Apis had hated Spencer from the very beginning. Spencer looked exactly like Always High Guy, from the permanent goofy smile, to the grey-black hair, to the fact that both were literally always high.

He had tried so hard to get over it. Spencer was not Always High Guy, no matter how similar they were. Even though they looked the same, acted the same. They were twin-brothers-separated-at-birth similar. Exact-genetic-clone similar. Despite all this, Spencer was not Always High Guy.

When Apis did kill Spencer, he felt a sort of fulfilment, or perhaps revenge. He'd finally killed the man who got him tossed in here.

Even if he hadn't.

In sixth grade, he and Victoria had been in hot contest for the Dux award. They were both top of the class, friendly, civil, and great role models. But in the end, Victoria won the award. Just like everything she and Apis had to compete for.

Their history was long. At least twenty years old. Victoria was a winner, and Apis was a not-quite-winner.

But there was a point when he could not stand it. The absolute peak of his hatred for Victoria.

When she won Chasm Falls' biggest art competition.

And Apis had come second.

Lily – wait, what? Why was she coming into the story - oh, right. Backstory time. Her backstory wasn't really that interesting, why was she getting a spotlight? Oh well, who was she to question the judgement of whoever.

So, like, she had a boyfriend, right? And then one day he was like "yo, Lily, can you deliver this to a friend for me?" and Lily was like "that's a lot of tea" and he was like "yeah, he really likes tea" and so Lily was like "sure, I'll do that, I don't know why you can't do it yourself, this isn't one of your stupid pranks is it, Todd? Todd?" but he had already left so she didn't really have a choice. So Lily got in her car and put it on the front seat and drove to the guy's – abandoned cave in the middle of the forest. Okay, that was a weird place for tea to be delivered, maybe that was where he lived or something? Anyway, she'd agreed to it so she had to do it. So she was heading along the highway, driving into the forest, listening to some epic music or whatever, and then suddenly there was a cop car behind her? And like any normal person with a cop car behind them she freaked the hell out but she didn't do anything because there was a cop car behind her and she didn't want to get arrested. So she was all play it cool Lily, they don't want you and then the cop car drove next to her and she was like oh crap and her window was open and the cop leaned out his window with a loudspeaker and shouted hey stop your car because you've got drugs and Lily was confused because like??? Drugs? I don't have any of those, except she shouldn't have said that because the cops told her to pull over because that sounded suspicious and she was like yeah that's fair and she pulled over.

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