Epilogue - Just This Once, Everybody Lives

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To Ashlee,

I know it's been a while since we talked. I've just been so busy.

Thank you for telling me about online funding. I finally reached my goal the other day! I should have sent an email sooner, but it's just been so bloody hectic with the legal fees and the excitement and all. But I am happy to say that my gluten-free vegan substitute for blood will soon be on the market! Soon other vampires like me will no longer have to starve.

...it's been a hard three years. Most of my favourite foods taste disgusting now :( I have survived mostly on soy milk and recipes I've found online. But no more! By mixing in this substitute, I can make everything taste good again! It comes in powder and liquid form. You should be seeing it on the market soon. You must test it for me.

All the raptors are doing well! I've been working on a new, longer show with them. I've done a few performances, far, far away from where Placeholder Name can find me. Everyone enjoys it! Well, everyone who lives in the same area, which is maybe about seven people all together, but they really do enjoy the show.

How's your restaurant going? I still do not approve of the idea of selling dead animals on bread, but your pizza is very good. I'm sure many people enjoy it. It's a shame that everyone must forget where the place is when they leave, but I'm sure it's for the better. It's astounding that you have made a deal with Placeholder Name, though. Congratulations and good luck for the future of your business!

You're meeting up with Marilyn and Lily tomorrow, right? Say 'hi' for me, or maybe give me a call. I find myself missing you all more than I expected. I'll talk to you soon! Or perhaps not soon.



Ashlee shut her computer and smiled at the email. She would definitely video call Linda when everyone got here. It'd taken her a while to get to the email, but luckily she'd got there on time.

It was amazing that they'd all managed to stay in contact after they survived the Way Out. People stay together in those things because they have limited options for company.

But not many people stayed in contact afterwards. She guessed that they had all somehow just managed to make really good friends in a short time.

Also, they'd all watched a bunch of people die. That kinda leaves people with an unbreakable bond between them.

The only people Ashlee hadn't seen since were Sad and Dead. Nobody had. The moment they were let out, Sad and Dead sped off in an old, black car, kicking up dust behind them. And then they were gone. Ashlee didn't even have the chance to say goodbye.

It was okay, nobody really wanted to talk to those bricknuggets afterwards anyway.

Ashlee walked into the kitchen of her restaurant. "How's it going, guys? What's on the specials today?"

One of her chefs tossed her a piece of paper with "TODAY'S PLAN" written on it. Ashlee read through and tossed it back.

"Sounds great, guys! Keep doing what you're doing!" She gave the chefs a thumbs up and walked out. Usually she'd be in the kitchen with them, but today she was expecting very important visitors.

The bell that signalled someone entering went off. Was that-

"Ashlee!" one of the waiters called. "The weird eldritch abomination lady is here!"

Ashlee ran to the entrance. "Mari!" She threw her arms around Marilyn. "Lily should be here soon. I'm planning on calling Linda on my computer."

Marilyn gave a thumbs up. "Sounds great. Should I just take a seat or-"

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