Day Nine - Let Them Eat Cake

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"Is that a knife in your pants or are you just-"

George reached into his pants and pulled out a knife.

George, you bastard.

"Knife. That is a knife. Crap. You know, I kind of wish it wasn't, because I really don't feel like getting stabbed today-"

"You're not going to say anything, you're going to sit in that corner and not say anything while I tie you up."

There were so many snarky comments he could make about that, but they didn't want George to kill them. The eldritch abominations only needed them for so much, and if George was good enough, they would be replaced.

George shoved them into the corner and walked over to the intercom. He pressed his finger to the 'on' switch triumphantly.

"Attention, inmates. As you may or may not know, my name is George." He grinned as he sat down in the DM's spinny important person chair. "And from now on, I am in control of the House." George flicked some of the buttons and switches. There was so much he had to fix in the last few days of the Easy Way Out.

Mostly, making it the Hard Way Out.

"Things are going to be changing up a bit."

Marilyn was crawling out of bed when she heard him.

"First things first! The eldritch abominations are no longer permitted to revive you. I mean, that was probably in the rule book but it hasn't been enforced, so if they revive you now, I will kill you slowly and agonisingly."

Eh. Whatever. That was a problem for the Beanchesters.

"Secondly, I will be taking away your Wi-Fi."

Still not her problem. It's not like she even used the Wi-Fi.

"And the final rule change for this morning, all of the eldritch abominations will be kicked out of the house."

Wait. What? Why? Marilyn ran out of her room and into Gül'lcra'agg's bathroom. Pleaase be there, please be there, please still be there-

It was still in the bathtub, straddling the unrecognisable, somewhat decayed corpse of probably John McJohn. It could be anyone, but considering Gül'lcra'agg's attachment to him, it was probably McJohn.

It was also clutching the sink, several water pipes, and the shower curtain with its tentacles.

"No! I told you, get out of the-" George sighed- "ugh. Never mind. Eldritch abominations are permitted but only because it won't leave."

Marilyn briefly considered giving Gül'lcra'agg a relieved hug, but she didn't. The consequences would most likely be bad.

When she checked her phone, Ashlee screamed.

No signal.

Nobody came to find out why she screamed because her walls were soundproof and she had no reception.

This was horrible. She stared at the screen. No bars. No WiFi. No reception.

What would she do? What could she do?

They were out of food, they didn't have WiFi, by this point nobody really wanted to talk to her and the only viable entertainment in the house was a TV playing My Little Pony 24/7.

Maybe Sad and Dead would talk to her. They didn't have any friends either.

"You let him die! You killed him!" Lily shouted at Apis.

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