Day Eleven - Down With The Living

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The house was silent. No lava, robots, usurping assistants, bees, dark lords of Hell, or snakes. was suspiciously quiet. Maybe George had usurped again.

"And you're sure he's dead." Dead was in denial of the fate of his kind-of-bro/saviour, Dominus Apis.

"He was pretty dead, Dead." Marilyn sighed. "But if you want to know, you can go and check yourself."

Sad and Dead headed out to the frozen pool where, much to Dead's dismay, Apis' body lay next to the others.

Well, that was a shame. Dead would have liked to talk to him again, after that thing where he spent the entirety of yesterday zoned out and oblivious to the world.


He would miss Apis. He was a cool guy. But such was the way of the Way Out.

"Dead, there are only three bodies here-"

"Sad! Can't you see I'm having a moment here?" Dead folded his arms and began to leave.

"Dead, there should be-"

Something pushed Dead over. That something sunk fangs into his neck. It was biting him? Oh, no. Not here.

"Vampires, Sad!" he shouted. "Run!"

Marilyn checked the time. It should not take an hour to check the body dump and come back. What where they doing? She left Lily to her phone and went outside.

The door to the pool had been left open, and leaking out from inside was a pool of – was that blood? Please don't be blood.

Nope, that's blood.

Marilyn ran inside the pool room and wished she could be surprised at what she saw, but really, she couldn't.

Ashlee, who, up until today, had been one-hundred-percent dead, was gnawing on one of Dead's arms, picking the bone clean. His blood covered her hands, face, and torn clothing.

Linda was huddled on the wall next to her, mumbling 'I'm a vegan, I'm a vegan' over and over again.


Ashlee dropped Dead's arm and looked up. Her eyes opened wide, either from fear or excitement. There was a pause.

"Marilyn!" she then screeched. "You're still alive!" Excitement. Definitely excitement. Ashleee jumped up and squeezed Marilyn in the biggest hug she'd ever had in her life.

Linda looked up and breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank God, I'm not going to be stuck with this nut for the rest of my life."

Marilyn awkwardly hugged Ashlee back for a moment before pushing her away. "Are you guys...vampires?"

Ashlee looked behind her to the eviscerated bodies of Sad and Dead, then looked to her hands, back to Marilyn, and shrugged. "Maybe?" she said. "But it's not like we're experts, we've only been undead for like half an hour."

"You – you just ate him!" Linda shouted. "I am one hundred percent sure that we are vampires, and I, personally, am being punished for doing the right thing like not murdering living beings and insulting Pla-"

"You just killed Sad!" Ashlee protested, cutting Linda off just in time.

"Don't remind me," she hissed.

"Alright, guys." Marilyn clapped her hands together. "Let's get back inside, get you cleaned up, and consult the computer for information. Knowing Anon's crappy taste, there's probably something about vampires on their computer."

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