Day Eight - Gonna Fight For Love (and the last cucumber)

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The lava had disappeared overnight without a trace, leaving everything the same as it had been before it was there. No burning furniture, or carpet, or security camera, with a library full of still-intact furry porn.

Everyone sat at the table, eating the last of the macaroni and cheese for breakfast. All that was left was a single cucumber now.

"What are we going to do about food?" Dominus Apis asked, not really caring, because now that he had a choice to what emotion he was feeling, he could just choose to not be affected by the feelings caused by killing someone. He just wanted to hear what everyone else thought about the situation.

Marilyn shrugged. "We could just not eat for the next five days. It's not like we're gonna starve."

Ashlee gasped. "No! We could never do that!" Five days without food? For Ashlee, that was like five days without internet, which was like five days without air for everyone else. "Even Spencer is out of brownies."

Spencer nodded sadly, but did not speak. He just stared into space as if nobody else existed, lost in his mourning for weed brownies.

Sad and Dead sat in their own little corner of the table, secluded from everyone else.

"We have done it before."

"Not eat for five days?" Dead thought for a moment. "Yeah, that one time with the-" A loud screeching followed by a bright light drowned out the rest of his statement. Everybody jumped away from the table, knocking over chairs and hitting away bowls of mac and cheese in the process.

Something appeared inside the light, growing bigger and bigger with every second. Something humanoid.

He stood up and put a hand on his hip, a confident smirk growing on his face. "Miss me?"

Ashlee gasped. Of all the people who could fall out of a randomly appearing hole of light, it had to be him, didn't it? The guy who would not stop flirting with her?

Satan did a finger gun at Ashlee and winked. "Hey baby, are you an angel? Because I find them really unpleasant and if you are, this is not going to work out."

In that case, yes, she was an angel. But Ashlee didn't want to hurt Satan's feelings, because he obviously liked her, so she just laughed politely.

Satan dropped his finger gun and jumped from the table. "Anyway, as much as I'd like to continue our-" He wiggled his eyebrows- "discussion, it's not the reason I clawed myself out of the void." Satan pointed to Dead, who was huddled behind Sad in the corner, and glared at him.

Satan lifted his hand to explode Dead. Dead curled into a ball.

Satan clicked his fingers.

Dead scrunched his eyes closed, waiting for that horrible moment to come.

But it didn't.

Dead looked up.

Satan clicked again. His expression twisted from one of confidence to one of confusion. He clicked again. He clicked once more. He clicked with his other hand. He clicked with both hands at once. He kept clicking, both hands, one before the other, at the same time, one hand, the other hand, clicking to the Addams family tune, until he was just staring intently at his fingers and clicking furiously.

Still Dead stayed intact.

The intercom buzzed on. Satan groaned.

"So, it, uh...looks like Satan's back! Welcome back, Satan."

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