Day Two - Never Summon Satan

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"Still a no on reviving Sad?" Dead asked, shovelling cereal into his mouth. Satan dipped his spoon into the bowl, then lifted it out and flicked it at Dead.

"Does this answer your question?"

Dead laughed nervously. "I'll just...find another way."

"Another way?" Satan gave a hearty laugh. "It's not like the eldritch abominations will bring him back."

Across from them, Lily, Jeremy and Spencer were engaged in a separate conversation.

"I had hated dogs before that, but..." Lily made a gagging noise.

They had all found common ground, which was their hatred for dogs. Lily had many bad experiences with them, ranging from being barked at and bitten and chased, to the family dog dying, to everyone making fun of her when she said she just didn't like dogs.

Spencer was attacked by basically every dog he came across, big or small, yappy or barky. They all seemed to hate him, and luckily, the feeling was mutual.

Jeremy? Jeremy was just an asshole. He hated dogs for no reason. But he did like cats. God. He loved cats so much. They were so fluffy, and soft, and sleek, adorable, friendly...

"Yeah, man. Dogs are just..." Spencer raised the bowl to his mouth to swallow the last dregs of his cereal, and then put it down, winked, and did a finger gun. "The dog's breakfast."

Jeremy slapped his forehead. Lily groaned.

Anonymous listened to the conversations occurring. Dogs. Family. Food. It was all so stupid.

They stared at the empty cereal bowl on the table through the holes in their hood. Surviving twelve more days would be simple. All they had to do was avoid the nearest bathroom, and almost everything else, and then it would be home sweet home with 4chan again.

It wasn't like they didn't have their computer with them though. They had snuck it past security, but browsing the internet and being an asshole to strangers just wasn't as fun when you had one looking over your shoulder every five seconds. Particularly when that stranger was not quite a stranger, but an annoying white chick named Ashlee. Anon looked over to her. She had taken another photo of her cereal.

Everyone else was already finished eating.

"So...what are you doing?" Ashlee screeched from across the table,

They sighed. Annoying screechy girl gets conversation with the Silent Person for punishment.

"Is your computer game fun?"

Anon ignored her.

Dominus Apis stared at the man sitting across from him. The guy had spent most of the last day walking around aimlessly and asking people for marbles.

To be fair, he was eighty-seven.

What should he do? Should he help? Ignore him? Tell him where he was? Apis wondered what to do with this senile old man when Linda walked over and sat down next to him. Apis looked at her and sighed. "I know you're a vegan, Linda."

Linda hadn't heard, or maybe she was just pretending to have not heard. Either way, she did not respond. Her eyes stayed fixed on the old man. "What's that guy's deal?"

"I don't know," Apis whispered back slowly. "And I don't think he knows either."

The old man looked up at him, eyes wide. "Have you seen my son? He's orange and stripy... what's his name again?" He looked at the ground, dejected.

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