The Wife

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My sister was in town until the baby came but every day she spent with me the more I realized that I would need more support. My mom was back in Virginia and while I loved the west coast and my life here it wasn't the same. She was diabetic and hated flying so it would be near to impossible to get her out here. Plus I didn't want to drag her out of her comfortable life. Finally after discussing it with Diamond and my sister I decided the best thing to do would be to head back to Virginia for a while. At least I would be able to have som help with the baby.

As I was packing up my house it was so surreal but it felt good to close the chapter on this twisted ordeal with Trey. He hadn't spoken to me since the baby shower and I didn't care anymore. I was going to do whatever I had to do to be there for my baby. As moving day approached and came I started to get this feeling that something was off. My sister told me it was just in my head but I didn't know. Diamond told me to trust my gut and she was right. The day I was supposed to move this lady came to my door and told me I was being served. I called my lawyer Martin up and he came over to look at the paperwork and you won't believe what he told me. He informed me that Trey had called for a restraining order on me because he felt that I was a danger to his safety and also demanded full custody because he wanted to press charges for breaking and entering and robbery. When I told you I was caught off guard, I meant it. For someone that hadn't spoken to me in months he sure had a funny way of reaching out.

The media was all over the whole ordeal and I was exhausted. I was nearly 8 months pregnant and here he was making this all about him again. I got invited to go on this talk show and I knew that they would be asking me about Trey and I finally decided that it was my time to speak. He was out here trying to make it look like I was the devil or something when he was just pure evil for no reason. The day of the talk show I got a text from Diamond telling me that she was going to try and talk to Trey. He had I guess shown some interest in trying to spend more time with the kids and wanted to take them on a trip somewhere. She was reluctant to let them go but just wanted to be on the same page with Trey. I commended her for trying to be so cordial with him but he had already tried to slander my character for no reason.

When I got on stage there where a couple boos but I knew it would change when I told the world my side of the story.

Host, "okay so we have a special guest today on the show. Now we all know the musician, entrepreneur and lady's man Trey Wilton but today we have someone close to him coming on the show who believes that he needs some help. Now let's all give a round of applause to Mrs. Toya Wilton"

"Hi Angie. And for the record I go by my maiden name Toya Ward. I try and stay as far away from Trey as I can"

Host, "oh. Do I sense some shade?"

"Now everyone knows that Trey and I have had our fair share of problems and it's hard. As you can see I'm currently pregnant and he's dragged me into some sick drama. All I want to do is have a healthy baby and he's out her accusing me of any and everything"

Host, "but word on the street is that you two have been having some serious problems. We have loads of social media post accusing you of doing certain things not only from Trey, but from his ex partner and the mother of his kids as well as a former girlfriend"

"And I would have you know that yes I wasn't always the best to deal with but that's an issue Trey started by himself. If he would have just been able to start faithful then we wouldn't have nearly all of the problems that we have now. He choose to continue a lifestyle that wasn't compatible with marriage and if he wanted to live that way then there is no reason he should have married me"

Host, "so please explain what the situation is like now? I mean you are currently pregnant and what plans are you and Trey going to do?"

"Honestly I have no idea. During this pregnancy Trey has remained a shadow. He has not contributed and I'm doing this on my own. With the help of his ex partner and my family I've been preparing myself for the baby. I was set to move to Virginia to be around my family and he actually decided to get a restraining order against me and fight for cull custody. You know it's outrageous that he would even do this because for the last 6 or 7 months he's been fighting claiming that this kid isn't even his. Now tell me, why would he be fighting for custody of a kid that he doesn't even think is his?"

Host, "so not only has he been negligent in your pregnancy he's not trying to fight you for full custody? How are you handling all of this?"

"I just have to go through it. I mean we are also in the middle of a divorce and it's the worse. I thought Trey and I were going to tart together forever and instead my whole life is blowing up before my eyes. I have to figure out how I'm going to take care of my child and explain to him why he's got a dad that doesn't love or support him. It's hard but I can do it. If anything this whole relationship has shown me that I'm a strong, independent women and I'm not going to let him win. He thinks that just because he has money he can do whatever he wants and that's not the case. I'm not having it"

After the show I got a call from a producer on Bravo. They had seen the show and wanted to know if I would be interested in possibly doing a show with a couple other women who had been in relationships with some musicians or entertainers. Honestly I wasn't sure but when I saw the starting salary it definitely caught my attention and the producers made it clear that this wasn't going to be a drama pushed show. It was more realistic and we would have final say over how things were displayed. I said I would consider it and even suggested that they approach Diamond with the idea. I had no idea how she would take it but they seemed excited about her possibly getting on the show.

Over the next couple of days I met with my lawyer and discussed the options. He didn't think that the restraining order would hold and got the robbery and breaking and entering charges dropped but said that Trey was insisting on a custody trial. I had no idea why but later that night I found out that Trey was fighting Diamond for full custody of their kids. He also decided to take time out of the day to come at me on Twitter calling me out types of names and saying that I was some type of attention whore. I finally had enough.

@officialTrey for someone who can't even be bothered to come and check on their wife and future child you sure have a lot to say now. For you t even question that this child is yours is crazy but go ahead. When the results come in and you're the father guess whose going to be laughing their way to the bank. And P.S. don't try and make it seem like you're some innocent man after all. He responded saying that he always tried to do the best and how God warned him that he was making a mistake because I was some type of snake. @officialTrey as I've said again and again YOU are the one that started all the problems in our relationship. I hope the world sees you for who you are. I disregarded the whole conversation and ended the discussion by posting some videos off of the security camera of Trey and his "angel" ways.

The whole day my phone was blowing up and people were trying to pinpoint the numerous women that came in and out of the house, while he had the kids over and sometimes while I was there as well. A lot of people were calling him out and I just laughed to myself. Trey wanted to mess with me then he would see what happened when he pissed me off.

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