The Wife

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Hi, my name is Toya and I've been married to Trey for almost 2 years.  When we first met I was actually living in Miami working at this clothing store.  My sister Jasmine had won tickets on the radio for one of his shows.  I wasn't supposed to go because I had been dating this dude named Julian,  until I found out that he was cheating on me. So my sister decided to take me with her and she wanted me to get as turnt up as possible.  I had no intentions of meeting anyone or trying to hook up with anyone but we found our way to the official after party.  I was at the bar when I felt someone tap my shoulder and whisper into my ear about going to the VIP section.  I wasn't going to go by myself considering that I didn't know who was calling for me ,but the man didnt want me to bring my sister.  finally after telling him that I wasn't going anywhere without my sister we both made our way into VIP.  Trey was just sitting there with a bottle of Ace of Spades in his hands and a huge smile on his face. I walked over not really  caring who I talked to and we just started a normal conversation.  by the end of the night all we had done was exchange phone numbers.  I wasn't just going to sleep with some dude that I had just met and that wouldn't say a lot about my character if I did .

However we started to get serious shortly after he left and I didn't think much of it but my friends kept on telling me that he had just gotten out of some type of committed relationship so I should take things easy with him. we did the complete opposite and got married within three weeks of really just hanging with his friends and what little family that he had. We got married three weeks later and my friend's were all confused by why we had done it so soon but I knew that they would come around and see how great of a guy that he was. What I didn't expect was a crazy ass baby momma that refused to act Le am adult.  Instead she continued to write all these Bay comments on all these social media sites about  how I was a home wrecker.   This was more than annoying but Trey said  that he  would talk to her about what she should and shouldn't be saying.

so when Trey told me that he was thinking about doing a reality show that was a bit surprising. I was down for whatever would make us some extra money and this could help me out.  I had been working on this website for a couple months and it would be great publicity if they could find a way to feature it on the show.  Having known about the reality TV world I had to be ready for some unexpected drama and that would come from  no one other person than Diamond,  the ratchet ass baby momma.

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