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Lol Enjoy!

I placed the last box on the floor in my dorm room. I glanced around at all my things sprawled around the room and mentally signed at all the work I had to do after I was finished unpacking.

"Well this is the last box." A tall black boy said roughly dropping my box of clothes on the floor.

"Okay." I replied shyly. I mentally scolded myself for being so shy but I couldn't help it. I was always shy around new people.

"It was nice meeting you. Bye." He said dryly before practically running out my dorm.

"Thank you." I quickly replied, but he was already gone. I sighed and started to unpack. I looked over to my left to see that my roommate had already been here and that her side of the room was nice and neatly made up.

I couldn't wait to meet her.

After about 3 hours of cleaning and unpacking all by myself, I decided to take a break and go down to the Cafe and maybe even explore the campus. As I was about to leave, I heard the door open and in came two pretty black girls. One was tall and the other was short.

"Oh hi." The short girl said smiling at me. "You must be my roommate."

I shyly smiled and said hello.

She smiled back and hopped onto her bed.  Her friend did the same. "My name is Shaqana and this is my friend Drea."

I smiled at her friend. "I'm Alana."

"Alana." She laughed. "That's my cousin's name."

I smiled and went to pick up my purse.

Shaqana jumped off her bed. "Well I just came back to meet you. We were about to go to the Cafe. You wanna come with us?"

"Sure." I smiled and followed them out the dorm room. I noticed that Drea was a little off. She wasn't talking to me or even acknowledging me. I just brushed it off my shoulders and paid it no attention. I really didn't have time for attitudes.

"So where you from?" Shaqana asked me.

We were on the elevator and as the doors were about to close a hand stopped them and a tall light skin black boy walked on followed by four other guys. They all smiled at us clearly just undressing us with their eyes.

"Hey Keith!" Drea said. This was my first time hearing her speak. She had walked up to one of the boys and hugged him from behind. He kind of roughly pushed her off of him.

I watched as Keith turned around and made eye contact with her for a split second before laying his eyes on me. Immediately, we locked eyes awkwardly staring at each other. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the elevator dinging and the doors opening and all of us trying to get off.

Shaqana quickly took me and Drea's hands and walked towards the Cafe. I guess she was trying to get away from those boys. "How do you know him?" Shaqana asked Drea.

Drea flipped her weave. "I use to fuck him back in high school."

Wow. I couldn't believe this girl.

I couldn't shake the feeling I got from seeing Keith. The feeling of familiarity. I could've sworn I've seen him before, but where?

"What the fuck, Drea? I didn't think you were that kind of person." Shaqana said. I wanted to verbally agree with her, but I honestly didn't know her.

"What!" Drea said. "He's too damn sexy to pass up. Fuck I look like turning down some dome?"

Shaqana shook her head and looked towards me. "And how do you know."

"What do you mean?" I said, dumbfounded.

"I mean, he was staring at you mighty hard." Drea said.

"I don't know him."

At least I think I don't.


I know y'all probably like "bitch wtf finish taylors journey" YALL IM STUCK!

I don't know what to write and I'm honestly just trying to get back into writing tbh. But this came to mind so imma see how this goes and then imma finish the other book promise! ❤️🤙🏽🤙🏽 gang gang

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