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Enjoy! Quick chapter to show you there relationship.

"Oh this boy, I met today in class. He's real-"

"Who is it?" Keith snapped, interrupting me.

"His name is Devin."

Keith rubbed his face in thought. "Devin? Wait, Devin McCall?"

"I don't know his last name." He probably knows who I'm talking about. They seem liked the type to be friends. Keith grabbed his phone before looking through and showed me a picture of Devin.

I nodded.

"You fucking him or something?" He said, with a look of disgust.

"No." I said in disbelief that he'd ask me something like that. "You know I'm not that type of girl. Why would you ask me something like that?"

He laughed in relief. "I don't know. You could've changed in four years we haven't seen each other."

"Well you've definitely changed." I mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, give me my phone back." I said reaching for it but he moved it out of my reach.

"Nah," he said grabbing my hand to unlock my phone. "What we finna do is delete his number and you never talk to him again and you gonna put my finger print on this phone."

"What? No. Why don't you want me talking to him?"

"Alana, I'm being honest with you because you're my friend, but he a hoe. Okay? He just wanna fuck you."

I gasped. "You don't know that."

"I went to highschool with him. I know him. Like literally know him. Earlier he told me he was trying to fuck this girl he met."

I sighed. "I guess you're right, but he seemed so sweet."

Keith playfully pushed me. "You don't need to be fucking with any of these niggas anyway. You got me."

I scrunched my face up in disgust, which made him laugh. "No thank you."

"Here," he handed me my phone. "Put your password in so I can put my fingerprint in."

I nodded, before putting in my password. "If you can access to my phone, then I wanna have access to yours."

He shook his head grinning. "Nah, my phone not for your virgin eyes."

"Then imma just delete your fingerprint."

He got serious. "Delete my fingerprint and you aren't getting any rides from me the rest of the year."

"Wha- wait. You have a car?"

He nodded, before digging through his pockets and holding up the keys.

"You have a car?" I said again. "Then why are we still sitting here. Let's go get some food."

"Alright but you gotta cough up five dollars at least for gas money."

"I get free rides."

"i GEt fReE rIdEs." He mocked.

I was sitting his Keith's car passenger seat while he was in his dorm building getting something. He had a nice car. It was a black four door Honda Civic. He told me it was his older brothers old car and that he upgraded and gave him this one.

I saw Keith walking back to his car but he was wear more comfortable clothing. I'm not gonna lie Keith is something to look at but I've never really thought much about.

He slide in the car with easy before starting it. Trap music blast through his car before he turned it down.

"What you want to eat?"

"I don't know." I said truthfully. All my life, I've had the trouble of picking something to eat.

"Taco Bell?" He asked.






"Damn then what the fuck you want?" He joked.

"I don't know. What do you want?"

"I'm not hungry. You said you wanted to go get some food." He said.

"Because I thought you were hungry."

He groaned. Lately, I've noticed that he gets aggravated easily. "Alana, imma make a stop and after that you better tell me where you wanna go."

"Where are you stopping?" I asked.

"None of ya business."

I rolled my eyes and attempted to grab his unlocked phone, but he moved it out of my way. "What? I'm just trying to change the music."

"Nah," he shook his head. "My car, my music."

I rolled my eyes but regret it when Keith reached over and smack my exposed thigh. He laughed when I yelled.

"Quit rolling your eyes at me."

This was just a short chap to show you there relationship and all that! Next chapter imma try to post to night when I get off. It'll be a flashback probably.

These first couple of chapters are gonna be me building the characters personalities.

Dorm Talk | Urban Story Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon