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I nervously walked into my first class of the day. It was the first day of 6th grade and I was so nervous since I was coming from elementary school. I felt someone bump into my shoulder.

"Move." A girl said who I guess got annoyed by me standing at the entrance of the class. I just ignored her and walked to find myself a seat. Half the class was in there seats.

"Look up at the board and find your seat." The teacher said, not bothering to look up at any of her students. She looked young like she just got out of college and didn't know what to major in so she chose to be a teacher.

I looked up at the board and saw there was 4 to a table each. I found my name and quickly walked towards it. I was a little disappointed when I saw the girl who bumped into me sitting at the table I was suppose to be at.

I sat down diagonal to her and took off my book bag and pulled out my pencil and a sheet of paper. More kids came walking in and a light skin skinny boy sat across from me and next to the girl.

I recognize him from riding my bus this morning. We lived in the same apartment complex. I didn't really like him that much. He seem to be rude but I only think that because he wouldn't let me sit next to him on the bus this morning. I don't know why since he was the only available seat but I couldn't really do anything so I just had to stand. It was so embarrassing.

"Hi," the girl at our table said to him. "My name is Yuri. What's you guys names?"

"I'm Alana." I said quietly, but she didn't seem to care because she didn't even acknowledge that I said anything. She just kept staring at the boy. He wasn't even that cute.

"Keith." The boy said, not looking at us. Another boy came and said next to me once class started. His name was Craig.

"Alright class," the teacher began to say, handing out a piece of paper. "I know y'all are probably not gonna like this but I'm giving you guys a practice test. I'm doing this just to see your strengths and weaknesses."

I grabbed my pencil once the paper got to us. I smiled at how easy the practice test looked. It was basic math and science. I was almost finished when I heard Keith place his pencil down. I looked up to see him completely finished with his test. When he saw me staring he rolled his eyes and put his head down.

I finished mine about five minutes after and looked up at the rest of the class. They all looked like they were struggled with the problems. I looked at Yuri who hasn't even started the first problem yet. I almost laughed.


"What you looking at?" Yuri snapped, a little loudly when she saw me staring. I quickly looked away and said sorry.

Keith looked up at me and shook his head then turned to look at Yuri. "What's wrong with looking?"

Yuri blushed before talking. "I just don't like people looking at me."

"It's a free country." He snapped, giving her an annoyed look before looking back at me. "Why you let her talk to you like that?"

I nervously shrugged my shoulders.

"Why you so damn shy?" He said scrunching his face up. "Talk."

"Quiet, Keith!" The teacher said walking over to our table.

"I wasn't the only one talking." Keith snapped.

"I didn't ask for an explanation," the teacher said looking down at him then glancing at me. "Just be quiet. I understand that you two are the only ones finished but that doesn't mean you can distract the rest of the class."

"We weren-"

"What did I just say?"

Keith rolled his eyes before laying his head back down on the table

"How about you two run down to the teachers room and pick up my copies."

"No thank you." Keith mumbled into the table.

"It wasn't a question." The teacher said, walking to her desk to write us a pass. She handed the pass to me and told me the directions. "Just ask for Ms. Jackson's copies."

I nodded and stood up but I noticed that Keith wasn't moving.

"Keith go with her." Ms. Jackson said.

"Why? That's not a two person job. I'm not needed."

"Just go." She said before taking a seat at her desk. "I swear I've never seen a student want to stay in a classroom so much."

Keith roughly stood up and walked out the classroom with me following after him. I closed the door and turned to see him staring at me.

"This our first day here and she sends us to find the teachers room. I don't even know where the damn library is."

I giggled at him. "I know where it is."

"Oh so now you can talk." Keith said following behind me. This school was pretty big for a middle school and the teachers room is on the first floor while we were on the third.

"Why'd you let that girl talk to you like that? You gotta stick up for yourself if you want some respect."

"Why didn't you let me sit next to you on the bus this morning?"

"Nah," He said laughing. "You can't answer a question with a question, Alana, but honestly, I didn't know you like that so that's why. But when we go home you can sit next to me. I'll save it for you."

He remembered my name.

I nodded before hopping down the first set of steps. "Thank you."

"Now answer my question."

"What question?"

Keith kissed his teeth. "Don't play dumb."

"I don't know. I'm very shy and I can't help it. It's like I don't know what to say at the moment and get embarrassed."

"Well you need to get out of that shyness if you wanna sit next to me on the bus."

"I'll just find another seat then." I said, looking up at his tall frame. He playfully pushed me, so I purposely fell. "Owww."

"So why now you not acting shy?" Keith questioned, helping me up only to playfully push my head.

"I feel comfortable around you."




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