Beach: part 1

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Didn't read over it so let me know if y'all see mistakes.


"Do you think your dad would let you come to the beach with me and my brother for Spring Break?" Keith whispered to me while we were in our 8th grade class.

I hesitantly glanced at him. I really didn't want to get into trouble with the teacher for talking during a test, even though we were both finished. "I don't know, but probably not."

Keith nodded. "Well, I already asked my mom and she said yeah you can come. I just didn't want to be stuck in the hotel by myself when they both leave to go do adult stuff."

"My dad doesn't even know you."

He looked shocked. "For three years, you haven't told him about me?"

I shook my head. "He's never home, so we don't really talk much. Besides, he'd probably wouldn't let me go since your a boy and all."

"Just tell him I'm a girl."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay then what? He's gonna wanna talk to your mom and as soon as he calls you a girl, they gonna know what's up."

Keith shrugged. "It doesn't hurt to try."

I sighed. "Okay. I'll ask him tonight."

Later that night, I walked into my father's room and seen him sprawled out on the bed. I knocked on the door and seen him look up at me. "Hey, sweetie."

I looked into my father's large green eyes that unlucky I didn't inherit. His eyes went perfectly with his caramel skin tone and straight white teeth. "Hey. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." He said sitting up.

"Can I go to the beach with my friend for spring break?"

He looked at me for second, before scratching his head. "I don't know about that. I mean, I don't know the girl or her parents and your only 13."

I sighed. "Yeah, I figured you'd say that. I just wanted to ask."

"Sorry sweetie."

I nodded before going into my room and texting Keith.

Me: he said no

No more than 10 seconds later my phone was ringing.


"He said no?!"

I sighed. "Yep. I kinda wanted to go, too."

I heard Keith groan. "Do you think your dad would let me stay over at your place for a week then?"

"What? Why?"

"Because I don't want to go if I can't see you."

I smiled. "So you're saying you're going to miss me?"

"Yeah!" He yelled through the phone. I laughed at him being upset.

"It's okay, Keith, just be happy that you get to go the beach." I heard noise in the background before I heard the sound of his mom's voice.

"Mom," Keith whined. "Alana's dad said no."

I heard his mother say something, but could make out any words.

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