Chapter I - Mark

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I wake up to Chica licking my face. I turn over, not ready to wake up, only to feel her lay her head on my side and whine. "Oh don't worry Chica-Bica," I say in my best doggy dad voice. "I know you want your food."

At the mention of food she jumps on me and pants, licking my face like she does every morning. I get up out of bed, giggling as I do so. Chica is so darn cute, I think. She runs downstairs ahead of me to wait patiently for her food.

Before going downstairs, I go to my bathroom, walking past the guest bedroom. I look in, remembering the last time Jack was here. He'd left the room in perfect condition, of course, being the gentle-Irishman that he is. I laugh, remembering how he refused to leave until he'd picked up his mess.

Man, it's been a while. I should invite him to come over so we can collab again.

I go to the bathroom and head downstairs to see Chica sitting by her food dish. I go into the cupboard where her food and treats are kept and grab some soft dog food. "You're in for a treat today, Chica," I say. She starts wagging her tail and sticks her tongue out as I open the food and pick up her dish. As soon as I put it into her dish she starts spinning in circles and barking.

I set the dish down and watch as she sloppily chows down. I go to the fridge to get something to eat and realize I don't have much for breakfast food. "Oh damn, I forgot to go to the store for eggs," I think aloud. "Ugh but I don't want to drive all the way uptown for eggs today."

I sit on the floor next to Chica who has licked her dish clean. "Oh Chica-Bica," I say nicely. "What should I do?"

She goes to the front door and sits, obviously wanting to go for a walk. I haul myself off the floor, still in my pajama bottoms and shirtless. "Alright, alright. Gimme a minute to get dressed and comb through my hair and I'll take you for a walk. We can go to that dog friendly coffee place... Uh... Joe's Java? Yeah I think that's it."

I return to my room and throw on some pants and a Markiplier t-shirt, black with a pink mustache on it. I probably look so full of myself, I think. I change my shirt to a red plaid flannel. Better.

Walking to the bathroom, I grab my sneakers from the floor next to my bedroom door and slide them on. I enter my bathroom and rummage around in my drawer for my comb. Finding it, I run it through my hair, fiddling until I've somewhat calmed my mane. "Ugh, it's a good thing I'm not planning on seeing anyone today."

I hop down the stairs and find Chica still waiting by the door. I grab my keys, wallet, and phone off the counter and attach a leash to her collar. "Alright Chica, let's roll!"

We walk down the street to the coffee shop. In the window, it has a sign that says POOCHES WELCOME with the outline of a sitting dog next to it. We enter the shop which just opened but already has a few customers grabbing coffee and scones. I step in line and take my wallet out while I wait to place my order, my stomach grumbling louder the closer I get to the front of the line.

When I get to the counter I order a black coffee and a breakfast sandwich. "Can I also buy a pending coffee?" I ask before I pay.

"Um... I'm not sure I know what a 'pending coffee' is, sir." The barista looks genuinely confused, so I explain.

"Oh, uh," I begin. "It's a coffee that I've paid for but I don't actually get. And you give it to the next homeless person who comes in." The barista nods his head.

"Oh yeah. I can do that. A young woman has been coming in for a couple weeks now so I'll give it to her," he explains.

I smile and pay, thanking him as I grab my coffee and food. Chica pulls me over to a table for two and I sit down to eat my food, tying her leash to the leg of my chair.

About half an hour goes by and I'm finishing my coffee when I see a girl of about 19 come into the shop. This must be the girl the barista was talking about, I conclude. She's wearing disheveled clothes, pants and a long-sleeve shirt, and has nothing but a dirty duffel bag, although it looks like there's not much in it. She's fairly dirty and her (h/c) hair is sticking up in some places. She seems tired.

The girl gets to the counter and orders, starting to give the barista a handful of coins. He pushes them back into her hand and I see him say "it's already been paid for." She looks confused and he points at me and Chica. She sees me and gives a slight smile, blushing. She puts the coins back in her duffel bag.

She gets her coffee and walks tentatively toward me. I stand and smile, motioning to the chair across from me. "Hi, I- uh - I'm Mark. And this is Chica." Chica looks at the girl and wags her tail.

The girl sits down. "Hi, my name is (y/n). Thanks for the coffee." She's quiet and her voice trembles as she speaks. I feel an odd pull to her.

"I like that name. It suits you." She blushes more. "So I heard you come in here a lot lately." She nods.

"Yeah, Joe is nice enough to let me in here since it's a little cooler now that it's winter. When it rains he lets me in until the storm passes. And he discounts my coffee sometimes." I put my chin on my hands as she talks. Something about her voice is intriguing.

"That's nice of him," I say. "Well I'm glad I could make your coffee free for you today." She just looks at me and smiles.

It's silent for a few moments before she speaks again. "You look familiar," she whispers, looking me up and down.

"Well, I'm a pretty famous YouTuber and I live just down the street." Her eyes light with recognition.

"Oh you're - um," she squints and snaps her fingers trying to remember. "Markiplier?" I nod. "Yeah I think my friend Alex showed me a couple of your videos when I lived with him. I've never really been into video games so I didn't watch you much. But you're pretty funny," she says and smiles. "Sorry I didn't watch you all that much."

"Oh no, it's okay. Everyone has their preferences." She smiles into her coffee and I hear her stomach rumble. She starts digging into her bag and pulls out a half eaten sandwich. "Would you like something to eat? I can get you something other than that," I tell her. She must be starving.

She shakes her head. "No it's okay," she states unconvincingly.

I sigh and take out my wallet and a ten. "Go get yourself something," I tell her. She looks at the bill for a second as if it's the largest amount of money she's seen in a while. For all I know it could be.

She looks back up at me. "Are you sure?" she's asks. I nod. She looks at me and then to the barista and back at me. "What should I get?"

"I would suggest a bacon, egg, and cheese on an English muffin, given you're not allergic to eggs. Then maybe don't get that," I joke. She giggles and nods.

"I'm not allergic to eggs, but thanks for the warning," she jokes back. We both laugh a little and then she stops and starts playing with the hem of her shirt sleeve.

"Is everything okay, (y/n)?" I ask, probably sounding a little overly concerned.

She nods. "I just get nervous ordering things for the first time. When I first came in here it took me 45 minutes to finally get up the courage to even get in line," she explains and chuckles nervously. I nod, understanding.

"Would you like me to order for you?" I ask.

"Would you? Please?" She looks so happy. I nod and smile.

"BRB," I say as I get up and go to the counter. I order and look back at her sipping her coffee. I feel that pull to her again. When I get back to the table with her food, I say something even I wasn't expecting.

"Would you like to come back to my house and clean up a little?" I ask.

She looks up at me. "Oh you don't have to do that. You've already done so much."

"It's okay. Just come with me," I say as I grab Chica's leash and untie it from the chair. Chica has been so good this whole time and is now excited to start walking again. (Y/N) gets up tentatively to follow me.

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