Chapter III - (Y/N)

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~~Author's note: if you don't like pickles, just go with this chapter. But pickles are just what worked for it. Thanks for understanding and feel free to comment!~~

"I have to go to the grocery store," Mark says. "You can come or you can stick around here. Either way is cool."

I reply, "I think I'm going to stay here, keep Chica company, get to know the house a little, ya know?"

Mark nods. "You can go into my recording studio and play some games if you want. Or just use my laptop to watch some YouTube. I also have Netflix on the TV if you want. Uh... Basically just make yourself at home," he rambles. He's cute when he rambles on like this, I think.

"Thanks, Mark. Maybe I'll watch some more of your videos to get to know you a bit," I say and wink at him. He smiles in response.

"Chica! I'm leaving you alone with the stranger who now lives in our house!" Mark yells jokingly. I look in the living room to see Chica with her head raised, wagging her tail.

"I think she wants to go with you," I say. He laughs and shakes his head.

"Well, I'll see you in an hour or so. Shouldn't take me too long but I have to get some more food if I'm going to have an extra human in my house. Is there anything you want?" he inquires.

I think for a minute. "Maybe a box of (fave/snack)?" I smile sweetly at Mark after asking.

He chuckles. "Well of course, m'lady. I love (f/s) myself, actually."

I giggle a little. "Cool! Anyway, thanks again. I'll see you in a bit." He gives a small nod and leaves.

I turn around and wonder what I should do. I decide to go into his studio and use his computer to watch some of his videos. I haven't been in his recording studio yet so I'm surprised when I walk in. Mark has an impressive setup but there's no chair. He must play standing up, I suppose. I turn on his laptop and go to the YouTube app.

When I finally get to his page, I'm shocked to see that there's hundreds, if not thousands of videos. I click on a fairly recent video, one of his Crash Bandicoot N'Sane Trilogy videos. I think this is the second one. I click on it and play the video.

"HELLOOOO EVERYBODY! My name is Markiplier and welcome back to Crash Bandicoot," Mark says through the speakers. His intro is adorable! I watch the rest of the video which is 20 minutes long and laugh at how much he rages at the game. His patients seems to run thin pretty quickly, I think. At the end of the video he sings the words "buh-bye" and then his outro music plays full blast. I click on another video that pops up on the screen.

I watch three or four more of his videos and I'm busting my gut laughing by the time Mark gets back. I don't see him standing in the doorway at first since I'm so enthralled in his humor. I look over as I wipe away some tears from my eyes. "Oh, h-hey Mark," I stutter, a little embarrassed. "How much of that did you see?" I feel heat as my face flushes.

"Enough," he states with a smile on his face. He walks in and looks at the video I was watching. "Oh noooo! Not one of my old Amnesia videos!" He watches himself on the screen as I watch him watching himself. Mark turns scarlet and laughs. "I'm so sorry, this is so embarrassing," he says between giggles. He covers his mouth as he watches himself and laughs with his head in his hand a couple times. I pause the video.

"I think it's kinda cute, if I'm being honest. You should get a DA again," I tease.

"What the hell is a DA?" he asks quizzically. Wow, he really doesn't know.

"A Duck's Ass," I explain. "You know, when you get that haircut where the hair in the front sticks up. Like in your older videos."

He raises an eyebrow. "I liked that haircut at the time. But I think I'll keep my floof for now."

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