Chapter VI - Mark

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After a week of (y/n) living here, we get into a groove. We finally got her the rest of the clothes that she needs and I got her a cheap smart phone, an LG Rebel, so she'll have it for emergencies and general social media use. She also nailed her interview at Leo's and was hired on the spot.

She doesn't start working until Tuesday, and today is only Thursday, but she's still overly nervous about it. She asks me some questions about what she should do and say and about how she should act. I tell her that, for the most part, she should be her bubbly self, and that she must stay patient with her coworkers and customers. But what I stress most is that she has to be patient with herself over anything else.

"You're going to make mistakes, and you'll probably make a lot of them. Don't let it stress you out; everyone messes up sometimes. You could work there for 30 years and you'd still end up making silly mistakes every now and then. Leo should be patient with you and help you to make sure you're on track. And don't let annoying customers get to you, because you're fubbernucked if you go off on any of them." She giggles at the word 'fubbernucked', but nods to show that she understands.

We've grown fairly close over the past few days. We recorded a couple more videos together, and she hasn't come bursting through my door while I'm recording alone. I also haven't made the mistake of waiting in her room for her to get out of the shower.

Although it's not really her room anymore. She keeps her stuff in there, sure, but she sleeps in my room with me every night. It's the only way to keep her nightmares at bay. It's completely platonic, though I must admit that sometimes I wish it was more.

We've learned to keep a body pillow between us in bed. But it doesn't really work to keep us from waking up entangled. The pillow just ends up on the floor.

Sometimes I wake up at early hours of the morning and listen to the calmness of her breath. I see her chest rise and fall in the dim light that slips through my blinds. If I look long enough and allow my eyes to adjust to the darkness, sometimes I can see the outline of her face, and every detail is riveting.

The more I learn about her, the deeper my feelings for her grow. I try to push them away, but I feel them taking root in my heart. I can't help but long to learn everything about her.

So far, I've discovered that her birthday is August 8th, she adores all animals regardless of the species, she has a drivers permit, her dream was to be an astronaut until she turned 13, and she's pansexual. I've also learned that she has a dark sense of humor and absolutely loves things like Cyanide and Happiness and Cards Against Humanity.

She acts like she's an open book and answers every question I ask honestly, but something tells me that she's more secretive than she lets on. Not that that's a bad thing; everyone has their secrets. But I want to know anything and everything about her. In fact, I crave it.

She made an Instagram account and started following me, Jack, Felix, and a bunch of other YouTubers. Whenever she has free time, she's either playing with Chica or watching YouTube videos, claiming that cable sucks. I must admit, I agree for the most part.

After a video chat between us and Jack, Jack tells me that he likes (y/n) and wants to meet her in person sometime. He texts me:

Jack: Shes pretty cool. I noticed u making googly eyes @ her when she wasnt looking. U make it way 2 obvious that u like her.

Me: Not true. I dont like her. Shes just a friend and needs a place to stay.

Jack: Do u rly believe that? She may be just a friend now, but I saw the way you look at her. Dont try 2 fool ole Jackaboy!

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