Chapter IV - (Y/N)

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Chica's fur feels softer than I remember, I think, still half asleep. I open my eyes to find that Chica isn't even on the bed anymore and it's Mark's hair that I'm touching. Luckily, he's still asleep and doesn't witness me accidentally petting his hair.

Somehow, we ended up face to face, our noses almost touching. Our arms are wrapped around each other and our legs are entangled. I can't help but lay there and look at him for a while, not daring to move for fear of waking him up.

So I lay there admiring his peacefulness. My heart swells from how grateful I am to him. He's a good man. But a little voice in my head continues to tell me that he'll eventually get bored of me or mad at me and throw me back to the streets.

After a little while, he begins waking up. He makes some odd noises and slowly opens his eyes to find mine looking back at him. I feel myself turning scarlet and start to move away from him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake you up by moving. We were so entangled that I knew if I tried moving I would wake you up. And I know that you didn't get to bed until early this morning," I ramble.

He gives me a tired smile. "It's okay, (y/n). No explanation needed. Thank you for letting me sleep," he responds. His voice is different now than it usually is; it's deeper and more gruff. Most importantly, it's sexy as all hell.

I start to get up, but Mark grabs me and pulls me close to him. "Just give me a few more minutes?" he asks, obviously still half-asleep. His eyes are closed and he falls back to sleep in just a few seconds. I relax into him, deciding that a couple more minutes of this wouldn't be so bad.

I lay there with him for a while, I'm not sure how long. I lose sense of time because I kind of don't want this moment to end. He sleeps peacefully, breathing heavily with his mouth parted slightly. He snores a little, but it's a cute snore, not annoying. I pet his hair and rub his back while he sleeps and I make no move to pull away from him. I'm not sure why I let this go on as long as I do.

When he starts waking up again, I stop petting his hair and I pull away a bit. He opens his eyes and it takes him a few seconds to recognize what's happening. Once he realizes that we're still entangled, his eyes go wide and he pulls away, ripping off the blanket and sitting on the edge of the bed facing away from me. He puts his head in his hands and rubs his eyes.

A minute ago I was as happy as I could possibly be. Now I have an odd sense of heartache. Did I do something? I think worriedly. I must've done something. He must not have really wanted to sleep that close to me. I'm such an idiot.

"Is something wrong?" I ask, hoping that he tells me he's not mad or upset. Even if he has to lie to me to say it.

"No, nothing is wrong. I just..." Mark sighs. "I'm sorry." He lifts his head and turns so that he's half-facing me, but he won't look at me directly.

"For what? I'm the one who held you while you were asleep," I respond. If anything, I should be sorry. I had let him pull me in knowing that he was still half-asleep. I should've known he wouldn't want me to hold him.

"No that's not it. I... um... I enjoyed it. It helped me sleep. And I just... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pulled you closer to me. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

I have no idea how to respond. I want to tell him that I enjoyed it too. I want to tell him that I wouldn't mind doing that all the time. I want to tell him that, even though I've only known him a few days, I can already feel myself starting to care for him. But how could I tell him that?

How could I ever tell him how I feel? How could I ever expect him to reciprocate my feelings when he finds out about who I really am? And even if he did reciprocate his feelings, how could I subject him to falling for someone like me? The answer to all of those questions is that I couldn't. He deserves so much better than me.

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