Chapter IV - (Y/N)

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~~That evening~~

"Damn, this Mac n' Cheese is so good!" I exclaim.

"Why, thank you! I'm secretly a chef. Food critics call me Chefiplier," Mark jokes. I laugh a bit at his joke and we start some horror movie on Netflix. It's one of those really cheesy ones that isn't even really scary. Despite its campy-ness, Mark still jumps at every overdone jumpscare then proceeds to laugh at himself nervously.

In the course of a day, I've become quite comfortable with Mark. He seems nice enough, and he's been nothing but hospitable. But I can't help but feel like I'm mooching off of him. I'll have to look for a job... Though I haven't been able to find a steady one in the past year and a half, I think. Maybe Mark can help me. After all, he does have more experience than me. I decide to ask tomorrow. One night of peace can't hurt anyone.

After the movie is over, we end up streaming some puppy videos onto his TV from YouTube to calm Mark down.

"Those puppies are almost as cute as Chica," I say, pointing to the newborn English bull dogs shown on the screen. Chica has been sitting between us on the couch since the second time Mark screamed and called her over to comfort him.

Mark nods. "Almost, but not quite." He smiles down at his big pup. "Yeah no other pupper will ever be as cute as you, huh Chica? That's right! You're the most adorable good girl there is!" Chica wags her tail and kisses Mark's chin in happiness from the attention. I smile and pet her back.

"You really love her, don't you?" I ask.

"Well of course! Who couldn't?" Mark replies. I can't help but agree.

I yawn and look at the clock. 11:34 pm. "Oh man, I should go to bed. I'm exhausted," I say. I stand up and stretch a little earning a few small cracks from my back.

"Alright, g'night, (Y/N). I'll see you in he morning," Mark responds.

"Night," I say, giving a small salute. I head up to Mark's guest room - my room - and go inside. Mark had left some of his pajama bottoms and a long-sleeve shirt on the bed earlier for me to wear. I'm going to have to get some more clothes of my own soon, I think. I throw the clothes I was wearing on the floor for the night and crawl into bed, turning the lamp that rests on the nightstand off.

I don't think I've ever been in a bed this comfortable in my life. It's a queen size bed and... Is that memory foam? Man he really treats his guests. The sheet and comforter are airy and light but still warm and the pillows are the perfect balance between stiff and soft. I fall into a deep sleep quickly.

•                            •                         •

I'm back in the coffee shop, but I'm the only one in there other than Mark. We're at the only table in the whole establishment, sitting in armchairs, each with our coffees. Mark is wearing a rather nice suit and sits with his legs crossed and his hands clasped together in his lap. His coffee sits steaming on the table, yet he never touches it.

"I've been  e x p e c t i n g  you," Mark says in an extremely low, raspy voice. It would be soothing if not for the implicit oddness of his nature. Though I am oddly comforted by his presence.

No, not comforted, I think. Numbed is the right word. I look around us and notice that everything is in color, yet when I look at Mark, I only see in black and white, with a bit of a red shadow behind Mark.

"I'm NOT HIM!" he yells, slamming his hands on the table. I see him flash between his current state and what seems to be a fit of rage for a split second. He stops himself and smooths his suit down, fixing his necktie in the process. "Pardon my little outburst," he says, voice echoing. "But it's my time with you now. He has pushed me aside when I am the one that can truly treat  y o u."

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