Chapter One-Olivia

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This is something new, I'll be posting/updating on Radish as well! I've had a writer's account for almost year now and have spent a lot of time working on new projects. Please don't hate me for not finishing past projects.

Radish is an app you can get on your android or iPhone, it's really cool and you should check it out! I have the same username!


I groan, looking down at the red stain soaked into my panties. I could've swore that I had two more days until I was supposed to start. I rifle through my purse and can't seem to find even one single tampon. Any other time I would have an embarrassing amount of them. To the point of dropping them all over the floor in front of the clerk at the gas station when I so much as pull out my wallet.

After I wash my hands, I pull out my iPhone and call my friend, Keely, hoping that she'll be able to drop off a couple tampons at my work. When she doesn't answer, I call my co-worker Monica, but it goes straight to voicemail, as if she ignored the call. I don't blame her, she probably thinks I want her to come in and work my shift for me or something. I just want a freaking tampon.

I run my free hand through my unruly hair, fluffing my curls which only furthers my frustration. I scroll through my list of contacts, not seeing many friends who I could call, mainly because I hardly have any. A month and a half into a new university and there's still only one person I can really depend on, even then it's iffy.

I roll my eyes when I come across that particular name. I'm extremely desperate at this point, even if it's a personal issue and he's a member of the opposite sex. It's just that this is a huge favor to ask of him. He may be my roommate, but I feel like this sort of thing is crossing an unofficial boundary.

Oh well, I don't have any other options right now.

I take a deep breath and call him.

By the second ring, he finally answers. "Hello?"

"Reggie, hey," I clear my throat. "Are you busy?"

"Nah, I'm just hanging out with Frankie," he tells me. I hear the familiar sound of Call of Duty in the background and Frankie cussing out somebody playing the game. "Why, what's up?"   

"So I'm at work, I was maybe...wondering if you could do me a favor?" I question.

"Well, that depends, what do I get?" He asks suggestively.

"Reggie, this is serious."

"What do you need?"   

"I already tried calling Keely and Monica, but neither of them answered, it's really more of a girl thing, but I don't have anybody—"

"Ah, I think I get where this is going," Reggie interrupts, saving me from oversharing. "Though I find your rambling adorable, I don't need an explanation. Yes, I'll bring you up some tampons," he remarks, sounding amused.

I sigh, relieved that I barely had to ask. "Thank you so much. Jack and Blake are here right now, so text me when you're out front and I'll run outside."

"Are you embarrassed, Olivia?" Reggie asks teasingly.

I let out a deep breath to calm my nerves. "I'm not exactly broadcasting it. I haven't been in this situation since I was like fourteen, I've always had stuff with me," I point out. "I usually get the plastic ones in the—"

"In the yellow swirly packaging, I know, we share a bathroom."

I let out a laugh. "Right, thanks." Who knew he paid attention to my feminine products in our cramped bathroom. I mean, I know he's been using my salon grade conditioner, not that I can blame him because it makes your hair feel super silky and smells amazing.

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