Chapter Three-Olivia

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Blake follows me up the stairs and I fumble with my key, sometimes it jams and I get too frustrated to continue messing with it. I remember the first week after I moved in, I just left the key in the door and Reggie lectured me about not doing stuff like that because anybody could just come walking in here.

I take my jacket off and toss it on the kitchen table that has never been used for eating purposes. "Do you want something to drink? Or eat?" I question, sounding too much like my mother. Do I stop? No, I continue to list off every beverage we have in the fridge.

Blake grins, hopefully finding me charismatic and not crazy. "Beer's good," he answers, pulling off his jacket.

I grab a beer and a Smirnoff screwdriver, both of which are Reggie's hangover remedies, but he'll have to get over it. I need some liquid courage as I lead the way to my room. I figure having Blake in my room isn't nearly as excruciating as spending twenty minutes trying to log in to Reggie's Xbox or PS4 that's sitting in the living room.

In my room, I turn the lamp on by my dresser and see that my underwear drawer is left wide open from Reggie rifling through it earlier. I push it closed as I walk by it.

I plop onto my neatly made bed and pick up the remotes from my nightstand. "Any requests? Shows? Movies?" I ask Blake, guzzling more of my drink as I go through my queue of things to watch. The bed shifts as Blake sits next to me.

"My roommates girlfriend got all of us into that stupid Supernatural shit so that's what I've been watching," he admits.

I grin. "I'm on season four."

"I'm only on season two. I want to hate it so bad."

I laugh, knowing exactly what he means. "What else do you want to hate?" I joke, kicking off my converse and lying back on one of my pillows. Against my will, I let out a yawn.

"Let's just pick up where you are on whatever show you're most into," Blake suggests.

"You just had to go and put that kind of pressure on me, didn't you?" I giggle, settling on Dexter. Reggie and I have only watched the first five episodes, but at least it's not so far in that I'd have to explain seasons of background information.

Its so strange to be this nervous around Blake. I'm fine around Reggie and his friends, but being alone with Blake is a whole new ballpark. Will he try to kiss me? Do I let him, despite having no clue what I'm doing? I've kissed a grand total of two people.

My first kiss was Renee Harp, a girl at cheer camp in eighth grade; she kissed me and I just went with it. I tried so hard to fit in and I'm sure everybody knew I was the most uncoordinated dancer of the whole bunch.

Then there was Mike Cavenaugh just before my sophomore year of high school. His parents had people over for the fourth of July and I was forced to socialize with other kids my age. I remember that night because Reggie hadn't left for college yet and he was supposed to go with me, but he ended up blowing me off for some girl at a bar. Go figure.

Anyway, Mike was completely trashed and I doubt he even remembers it occurred. I wasn't even aware it was going to happen; one minute my lips were dry and the next they were covered with by a sloppy mouth. He wasn't difficult to fight off, I pushed hard enough and he stumbled into a table and I took off upstairs.

By the second episode of Dexter, I finish off my drink and pull my hair tie out, releasing the long and wild dark curls it was messily thrown up into in Jack's car this afternoon. I run my hands through it, breaking up the clusters of curls.

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