Chapter Eight-Reggie

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Here's chapter 8! If you read the last chapter and it didn't make sense, it's because I posted the wrong one, but I fixed it. Sorry for the mistake!
Let me know what you think in the comments! ❤️❤️

It's almost midnight when I hear the front door open. I know it's Olivia because a robber would definitely be stealthier than her. It's minutes before I hear it close, so I know somebody is with her standing in the doorway. The incessant string of giggling leads me to think that it's not Keely who's seeing her off.

I sit up in my bed and open the window that's beside me before grabbing the joint I left on my nightstand. Hopefully a few drags will help put me to sleep and remain that way.

I'm trying like hell to ween off of the booze, especially while my sister is here because I know she doesn't need to see that. Every waking minute it gets harder and harder to refrain.

I never realized how much I actually depend on it to tune everything out. I'm so much more irritable without it, too.

It looks like Jessa will be here for at least the next week or two while my mom's in the hospital. I took Jessa to see her, but she's so out of it from the pain medicine that she probably won't even remember it.

I had to call my father and ask him to provide in-home nursing care, but he wants to wait until my mom is ready for that before he'll really go through with it. I'm pretty sure he wants to make sure that she'll accept the help instead of being so stubborn about it like she has been in the past.

I've told him even before this happened that Jessa shouldn't have to take on our sick mother alone, especially at her age. I shouldn't have had to.

My bedroom door opens, making me drop my hand out of the window to hide my joint until I'm able to make out that it's just Olivia from the lighting of my TV.

I know Jessa isn't blind to my hobbies, but I don't want to indulge in them right in front of her. She's in high school and I don't need or want her getting into the kind of shit I got into.

"I have guests sleeping in my bed," Olivia giggles, stumbling toward me.

Is she drunk? I quickly put out the blunt and toss it where it was. I hop off my bed and she trips over her feet, falling right into me, allowing her intoxicated laughter to fill my ears. She's definitely wasted.

I lead her over to my bed where she plops down, kicking her shoes off. I flip on the lamp at my computer desk, taking in the sight of her appearance. Still wearing the same outfit and makeup, but her lipstick is slightly smudged.

"I don't want to wake up the girls, otherwise I would've changed."

I walk over to my dresser and pull out a clean t-shirt, tossing it to change into. "I'll be right back." I go into the bathroom and run a washcloth under hot water before returning to my room. "Here, it can't be comfy sleeping with all that on," I hold it out to her.

"You can be so sweet when you want to be," she grins wiping the make-up off her face. When she's finished I take it back and toss it in my dirty laundry basket.

Olivia scoots up on my mattress, trying to make herself comfortable;  from the tightness of her jeans it doesn't look like that's possible. "I gave you a shirt," I remind her.

She huffs, like I'm asking too much of her. "Too sleepy, will you help?" I don't even think she knows what she's asking of me as she starts fidgeting with the button on her pants.

I roll my eyes, both annoyed and smitten with her, a combination I've noticed appearing more frequently every time I'm around her.

I lean over her, easily unbuttoning her jeans, then tugging them down her hips, displaying the cutest belly button I've ever seen. Her jewelry-free navel reminds me of how often she's talked about getting it pierced, but is too chicken to go through with it.

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