Replica ~ Lauren Oliver

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Photo credits: @epicreads
Curtesy of LaurenOliverBooks

Get ready for some major squeals of joy! From the start, this book is perfection. It features both Lyra and Gemma's stories. Flip over the book to get one girl's tale and flip it again to get the others!

Synopsis: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Lyra is a replica. All her life she has lived at Haven institute. It's her home, her world. She knows nothing but Haven. Except when a surprise attack is launched on Haven then she must come to accept the fact that Haven isn't what it seems to be. Except it is. Or is it? She and number 72 are now free to explore beyond the fence that encased them

Gemma is a girl who's been sheltered her whole life. Maybe it's because growing up she was extremely sickly or maybe it's because her family is keeping secrets. As she begins to dig into her family's past she discovers that her father is connected to the Haven institute in Florida. Curious, Gemma embarks on a journey only to meet Lyra and number 72: replicas from Haven.

Mirror stories both Lyra and Gemma's tale both have an equaling twisting and enchanting and capturing plot.

The Feels:
I started Replica with Gemma's tale and alternated between Lyra and Gemma as the story progressed. It's an obsessive novel that has so many secrets and you just don't know what to think! The twists in this novel are R. E. A. L. It's totally insane as a matter of fact. GEMMA AND LYRA ARE NOT WHO YOU THINK THEY ARE. Lauren Oliver brings these two stories together in one epic novel and it's amazing how she made everything fit together. The only disappointment I had was the ending. Compared to the adventurous high chase adrenaline of the rest of he book, the ending was really flat. However it was definitely worth the read no matter how the last chapters panned out!

Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? Comment below!
~Christine 🦋

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