Love is Both Wave and Particle ~ Paul Cody

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Photo curtesy to jediwizard11 via Google

A story, a love story. But it's not just about the story, it's about love. All types of love. The kind of love that suffocates and paralyzed. The love that sometimes, in the right conditions, has the ability to save.

Synopsis: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is sorta a love story but lot a discovering of yourself type of novel. It's told in many many points of views from everyone that has an effect on Sam (Samantha) and Levon.
These two both attend the Clock School, a small charter school of about 100 or so kids with those who have been diagnosed with a medical problem. (Usually a mental medical problem) Sam and Levon are paired together to complete a project with Meg, their teacher. They each have to write a 100 page article on their life; past and present. They both discover more about themselves and each other. Through the different points of views, we are so able to see how Sam and Levon change as time passes and they get deeper into their school project. A novel about love, uncertainty, chances and change.

The Feels:
Alright so first things first, I did enjoy Love is Both Wave and Paricle, but it was a lot. As in a lot of people to keep track of and a lot of points of views. Yes it gave insight that normally we wouldn't have but I was extremely overwhelmed. For one thing to clarify, AVERY IS A GUYS NAME. That really messed me up because I thought Avery was a girl but he wasn't and he was gay and he liked Levon and I was just so so confused. I also kept mixing up Nathan's early POV with Levon's and I was like wait, didn't his mother die? And stuff like that and I was just hmm lets reread about 10 chapters back. Very irritating and confusing. Yet I did enjoy the story line and how all teenagers are different but the same.

Love Yourself
~Christine ❤️☀️

Also quick note! My friend PoisonedTeaCake published one of her stories and you should totally go check it out!! Sorta a romance sorta amazing...

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