Glitter ~ Aprilynne Pike

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Photo curtesy to @brittanysbookrambles via Instagram

Synopsis: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
It's currently the future, but inside the country of Versailles it's the eighteenth century. Danika has been roped into her mother's schemes, a scheme to make Danika the queen. It all started one fateful night when she catches the King committing a cold blooded murder. Her mother snatched up this chance to blackmail the King into marrying Danika on her eighteenth birthday, a fate Danika is desperate to avoid. So desperate that she is not against using a newly manufactured and highly illegal drug: Glitter

The Feels:
I have to say that I was so obsessed with this book that I stayed up until 5am to read it! First off this cover is so cool and the entire book is amazing. At first I thought it would be like hey Danica try's to seduce the King for her freedom but no oh no was I wrong. (PS: Reginald is bad news) The slight twists are subtle and the entire plot is dynamic. For some reason I teared up at some parts (blame my emotional astrological sign [cancer]) and just oh my goodness that ending. Anyways Danika is that perfect imperfect kind of character. She's been used by her mother as a tool and now she wants out. Except her ways of acquiring her way out aren't too legal or moral. My heart sighs a little bit each time Saber expressed his disappointment in Danika because she has gotten all of the nobility addicted, and wait until you understand WHY he basically says that she did have a choice even though she sad she doesn't. It's complicated and I love Saber! He's such a trooper and although their romance may be a whirlwind thing it's swoon worthy. Lord Aaron and Molli. I just can't right now 😢 😭. The ending was terribly. It was wonderfully terrible and Reginald is a huge @$$#•|€ and I cant express how much I hate him. There must be a sequel and I'm going to slowly get slowly die until I get my hands on it.

~Christine 👑💄

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