Bad Romance ~ Heather Demetrios

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Photo curtesy to @heatherdemetrios via Instagram

A too true and too real book for some,
featuring what else but a bad romance.
Grace has always loved you from afar, and now she has her chance at a relationship, at the romance of her dreams.

Synopsis: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
It's about Grace who's at first delighted to be known as your girlfriend. But as time passes, five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes, to be precise, she recognizes that it isn't a love swept romantic relationship. It's a controlling, limiting, obsessive relationship. And it's smothering her. So what's holding her back from breaking up wth you and ending the trouble? Not only are you the lesser of the two evils (her parents or you) but you're also suicidal. You threaten to kill yourself if Grace ever even attempts to break off the relationship. And you're not kidding. Stuck in a house with an OCD mother, and an all-controlling step father, you and your psycho self are easier to deal with. Yet it's slowly becoming to much. Will Grace have he fits it takes to choose not you, not anyone else but herself?

The Feels:
This book reminded me a lot of 99 Days by Katie Cotugno only because Grace kept on breaking up and getting back with Gavin. Which isn't entirely her fault. I don't really have much to say except that I loved the writing style and how it's as if Grace is addressing the entire book to you aka Gavin. The beginning starts off saying that she's spent five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes with you. It was wasted time basically. The narrative stats off saying that it's a doomed relationship but she wants to tell you, the reader exactly why and how she fell so hard for Gavin. It was actually pretty remarkable for the author to show how the simple most innocent relationships might be disastrous to your mental and physical health. And it also gives insight on how hard it is to end the relationship. It's sometimes not as easy as saying we're done, and then going on your merry old way. In these bad romances the partner usually has a tie to keep you with him/her. And it's not safe. If you find yourself in a relationship similar to the one displayed in Heather Demetrios's book Bad Romance, please get help immediately.

Choose Yourself
~Christine 💔🎭

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