The Last of August ~ Brittany Cavallaro

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Photo curtesy to @whoiscaroll via Instagram

Follow Charlotte Holmes and Jamie Watson's journey in the second book of the Charlotte Holmes novel series!

Synopsis: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This next mystery is set in Europe, and features along with Holmes and Watson, who else but the infamous August Moriarty. Watson is spending Christmas with the Holmes family, and the mystery starts when Leander Holmes goes missing. Leander is Jamie's father's best friend, and also turns out to have great deep romantic feelings for his father. Previously undercover trying to root out those selling forged 'long lost' art, when Leander goes missing Watson and Holmes go to Milo for help. However the real question is, are they searching for Leander, or are they solving his case?

The Feels:
First thoughts were MILO IS MY MAN. (As jediwizard11 can accredit to as she received a spam of texts) He changes the lock to his childhood room every two days from wherever in the world he is. That. Is. Impressive. Next thing is that I can't say too much otherwise Ill reveal the entire story. But of course You know if you've read A Study In Charlotte Miss Holmes has everything figured out. From the first chapter she knows the answer and she also twists it to her own likening. Of course when Jamie and Holmes go to Milo, he hooks them up with August Moriarty, of all people. August is Charlotte's ex, and she kind of killed his life. And there's always that rivalry between the Holmes and the Moriartys... My heart goes out to Watson because not only does he have to deal with Holmes and her crypticness but also the 'martyr' August. Well all in all everything is wrapped up in the end. Comes full circle. And August, even though I wasn't his number one fan, poor August. (I also really enjoyed the two or so chapters told by yours truly, Charlotte Holmes)

Find the Clues
~Christine 🔍🖼

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