Little Monsters ~ Kara Thomas

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Photo curtesy to @ryleyreads via Instagram

Prepare yourself for a huge horror story. It's insanely dark and I suggest to not read into the wee hours of the morning...otherwise you might think the Red Woman is watching you...or suggesting the murder of your friend...

Synopsis: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
(It's good but it's dark)
Kacey has moved in with her dad, step-mom, and two step-siblings a little over a year ago. Known as the new girl in the small town of Broken Falls, she senses something is up when her two best friends, Jade and Bailey start being distant. Then, Bailey goes missing. From a party that Bailey clearly didn't invite Kacey to. Now she doesn't know who to trust. Secrets, conspiracies and drama. And it doesn't get any better knowing the town legend of the Red Woman.

The Feels:
Warning: If your easily scared skip the last few chapters (or just don't read the book) It starts off as this little novel about a girl gone missing. Is she even still alive? However it gets darker as every few chapters Bailey's diary entry is read. Those small chapters reveal a lot. About Bailey and life before Kasey came to Broken Falls. Nothing comes together until the very end, and then boy does it make sense! Everything, every minor incident and little detail is connected, which reveals the brilliance  of Kara Thomas. But it's freaky to read and freakier to know that some people are actually capable of murder. I mean, you don't know who you can trust. Heck. Kasey could be an unreliable narrator, just like Grace from All Fall Down [Ally Carter] and Tandy from Confessions of a Murder Suspect [James Patterson]. And the corruption!!! It's so intense and I'm STILL looking over my shoulder for...something. But the real question isn't who murdered Bailey (oh yeah btw she's dead) but who are your friends. Who's willing to turn around and stab you in the back. Maybe literally. Who knows?

Stay Safe
~Christine 🖤🥀

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