Paper Hearts ~ Ali Novak

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Photo curtesy to Fallzswimmer via Instagram

From another WATTPAD author Fallzswimmer has published the second book in the Heartbreakers chronicles! This series follows the story of the teen boy band, the Heartbreakers.  The first featured Oliver and Stella's whirlwind romance. This one is all on Alec. That dark mysterious swoony guy. Yup. Him.

Synopsis: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Felicity's sister Rose ran away four years ago on her 18th birthday. The CCA, a cancer charity, hosts a ball on desertion day: Rose's birthday. Felicity has volunteered to help with the ball and meets who else but teen heart throb Alec Williams. They, along with Felicity's best friends Asha and Boomer embark on a journey in search for Rose. However as secrets and lies are discovered, will their relationship, not to mention ALL of Felicity's relationships, survive?

The Feels:
I love Alec. Not only is he kind, considerate, and compassionate, but he's also passionate (I know I used a lot of 'ate' words) about music and that really calls to me. However I've always pictured him as a dark haired mysterious fellow. Sorta like Fang from Maximum Ride. Anyway this cross country road trip is just the start off s new chapter in Felicity's life. Oh and I can't forget to mention the letters and the deceit. I can't believe the nerve (insert name) had to do that to both Rose and Felicity!! Switching topics I love how Ali Novak does give us a glimpse of the rest of the Heartbreakers but I still have unresolved questions. WHAT HAPPENED TO JJ AND CARA??? Are they still together or what? Also what happened to the band breaking up and getting back together? Is this taking place before or after that? I was a bit disappointed with this novel because my concerns from the first book weren't answered and I had thought they would at least be mentioned. Despite that I'm looking forward to the next book. Will it be Xander or JJ featured next?

I love you more than books and gravy (I kinda altered that and I also have really weird taste but I do love gravy)
~Christine 🚗🎧

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