Just A Normal Tuesday ~ Kim Turrisi

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Photo curtesy to @jaqslibrary via Instagram

KCP Loft is this new publishing group that has published Just A Normal Tuesday, Keeping the Beat, and Textrovert along with a few others. Whatever I've read that they've published has been amazing! They're definitely a publishing group that's worth keeping an eye out for.

Synopsis: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
It's just a normal Tuesday when Kai comes home from school and discovers a suicide letter addressed to her from her sister. Jen's death hits Kai hard, and she starts to drown her pain with the same pills that her sister used. Her parents take action and send her off to a grief camp, designed specifically for children who have lost a loved one.  Although at first Kai is extremely reluctant to participate, she soon begins to find solace meeting other kids who share similar experiences with her.   Will the Treehouse help her heal after her sister's unexpected suicide?

The Feels:
If you're reading this book be prepared to have a box of Kleenex at your side. I cried like a baby throughout this entire novel. It's just so real and touches your soul like no other. You can just feel the grief that Graham, Kai and Jack and everyone are feeling and it's heartbreaking. The minute Cass mentions 'sister' I cringed and my heart reached out to Kai. Its so sweet how Graham and Kai help each other out through this tough time. And Jen Jen's Christmas present invoked an onslaught of tears. And when Jack talked about his father...it's so freaking sad. This is such a raw emotional book; one of a kind and truly eye opening.

~Christine 🌲✨

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