Chapter 2

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I paced around my hotel room.

'What should I have for dinner?'

Well, I don't have any food and if I went out to a restaurant by myself I would make an absolute fool of myself.

The only choice is to go to a food store and make my own meal.

I sighed and grabbed a warm jacket then headed out the door.

I walked to the nearest food store, a few times I had to ask for directions. When I got in there it was literally empty. No one was in here. The only sound was the music playing through the speakers.

I sighed and started looking for something I could have for dinner. I walked through aisle after aisle but still couldn't find anything.

My tummy grumbled. I gasped and held my arm around it.

'Why do I have to be so hungry.'

I turned around a corner and saw a familiar person reaching for something on a shelf. As he reached up high his shirt lifted up a little, showing his milky skin and v line. I felt myself blush a little.

Before he saw me I quickly went back around the corner. I sighed and looked down at my empty basket. Seriously?

I herd slow footsteps coming around the corner behind me. I quickly started walking down the aisle so he didn't see me.

'What the hell? It's like he's following me.'

I walked around another corner and slowed my walking down. I smiled. Finally, an aisle i'v been looking for. I looked at all the different kinds of pasta in packets.

I was looking that hard that I didn't even realise that guy was standing beside me until he reached across me and grabbed a packet of pasta.

I suddenly froze. 'Uh oh.'

I mean, yes he was very good looking but...It seemed like he was following me.

"You know, it's not that hard to pick out pasta." I smiled and faced him. "Well maybe it is for me."

He chuckled softly and rested his hand on the shelf. "It seems like your following me." I scoffed. "Excuse me? It's more like your following me."

This time he let out a soft "eheheh." He looked down at my basket. "No food." I sighed. "Well, yes. It's hard to look for food when you don't know what you want."

He put his hand in his pocket. "Well, if you want, you can join me if you like." He held up his basket, showing me what he was going to be having for dinner.

I smiled. "Thank you, thats very nice of you but...your a stranger aaaand...I don't really, go to strangers houses for dinner."

He looked a little shocked at what I just said. "Stranger?" I looked around me. "Well, yes. I don't really know you." He smiled.

'God damn it! Why does he always have to smile?'

"Well then, whats your name darling?" I looked up at the shops clock. "Oh bugger, would you look at that, it's getting very late, I better be off." He started to laugh. "Oh I see what your doing, you don't want to talk to me."

I waved at him as I walked away. "Bye." He shook his head and kept smiling. "You haven't even picked out what your having for dinner." I giggled. "Bye."

I put the basket back and walked out. Well, he's right. Now I have to get something else.

As I was walking along the footpath I kept thinking about that man. The look on his face when I called him a stranger, it seemed, I don't know, he looked a bit shocked.

I then started thinking about what I saw when his shirt lifted up. I blushed again just thinking about it.


I woke up and stretched my arms and legs out. Time for some shopping today!!

I sat up with a massive smile on my face. Damn I love shopping.

I jumped out of bed and headed to the shower.


The shopping was great. I totally had fun. I picked out so many cute tops and jumpers and I even bought my brother something. I spent some time at a cafe, I even spoke to a really cute guy. Ah man, he was charming.

I checked the time on my phone. Well maybe if I took my stuff back to the hotel I might have a bit of time to have a look around a bit more.

I sighed and headed off back to the hotel.

Once I dropped my stuff off I headed back out into the freezing weather. I had a look at some more shops but I didn't buy anything.

As I was walking along the footpath, off to the side was a massive group of girls. They looked way younger than me.

I frowned. What the hell is over there and whats making them go crazy!?

They all looked like tourists like me. As I got closer I stopped and had a look.

Right in the middle of them all was that guy from last night. They were all throwing questions at him as he smiled happily and signed pictures for them.

'Why is he signing things? Is he famous or something?'

As he was talking to one of the girls he saw me standing on the path looking straight at him.

Suddenly he could no longer talk. He just stood there staring at me. I smiled and shook my head, continuing on walking.

I herd his voice behind me. "Hey!! Excuse me!! Miss!!" I herd all the girls gasp and call for him.

I frowned. 'What!?'

I looked over my shoulder and saw him pushing through all the people trying to catch up to me. I sighed and started to walk faster, pushing past people, crossing the road and turning corners.

I still herd him behind me. "Hey stop!! Miss!! Stop!!" I ignored him and started heading back to the hotel.

As I was about to turn a corner I felt a strong hand grab my elbow and pull me towards a body. I looked up at the man. He he was panting from trying to catch me. My eyes then slowly travelled down to where he had hold of me. His long fingers wrapped perfectly around my arm.

"Sorry." He quickly let go of my arm. "What are you doing?" He sighed. "I actually don't know. I-I didn't know what to do so I just ran."

I smiled. Well, i'v never been chased by a very cute guy.

"Well actually, I guess I just ran away from my fans just to, get your name." I giggled. "Your fans?" He laughed. "Yes. I'm guessing you don't know who I am." I bit my bottom lip and shook my head. "But I have seen you somewhere before." He kept laughing. "It's ok darling, not everyone will know."

I sighed. "My names Poppy by the way." He didn't say anything but smile at me.

I giggled nervously. "Poppy. It's a beautiful name." I felt my self blush. "Sorry, I must be going." I turned away from him and he grabbed my hand, which it fit perfectly in his.

"Tom, Tom Hiddleston." I smiled at his name. He winked at me. "Google it darling." He then let my hand go and he walked away.

I smiled down at my feet. Tom Hiddleston. Hmm, it does ring a bell and it's a very nice name.

I walked back to my hotel with a massive smile on my face.

So, obviously he's famous if he has fans and if you can Google him.

When I got inside I sat on the bed and pulled my laptop out. I got into Google and typed in the search bar "Tom Hiddleston."

That Perfect StrangerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon