Chapter 12

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As soon I saw that Tom was in one piece with his arm around my brother, my heart rate slowly started to slow down. I took a deep calm breath as I watched the two of them.

They got to the lounge room and and looked at each other, shaking hands. "Your a good man, Tom. Perfect for my little sister." I stood there not knowing how to react because of how they were acting.

"Thank you and you too." Liam looked at me with a massive smile, patting Tom on the back. "Your a lucky girl Poppy." I looked down at the carpet and nodded, knowing that I was defiantly one hell of a lucky girl.

"I know." Liam pulled his car keys out of his pocket and started to make his way to the door. "Once you two head off i'll sell the house! Have fun kiddos! Cya!"

Suddenly he was gone in a flash leaving me and Tom looking at each other in shock while silence flooded the house.

"What did you do!" Tom bursted out with laughter, wrapping me in his arms. "I don't know! Suddenly he was...nice!" I laughed along with Tom as we swayed side to side.


Here we go again. That irritating sound that I always have to wake up to when i'm going somewhere, which is all the time.


Damn I want to throw the bloody thing out the window. I reached across the bed to turn off my alarm so that it would finally stop.

I opened my eyes slowly, trying to get myself to wake up before I fell back to sleep. In the darkest corner of my room, my door slowly creaked open. Tom's head appeared around it, smiling as soon as he saw me half asleep.

"Poppy?" I moaned and moved, letting him know that I was awake. The room was pitch black and the light from the big bright moon flew in through the window into the room.

He quietly walked up to the bed, taking a seat right next to me. I smiled up at him and started to stroke the back of his hand. "You excited?" I forced a tired giggle out. "A little. I'm mostly tired." He leaned down, kissing my forehead. "C'mon love, time to get up. Your stuff is ready by the door and the plane is waiting."


We both walked out to the private plane, stopping at the stairs that led up to the tiny white door with a picture on it. It was absolutely freezing and the moon was still shining bright. It will probably be even more cold in London.

Tom pointed towards the door as a man took my suitcases and boxes away. "Ladies first." I smiled and took one step closer. "Thanks."

I headed up the stairs with Tom following behind me. I opened the door and stepped inside the warm cabin, hanging my mouth open as I saw what was on the inside. I covered my mouth as my eyes darted around, looking at everything as fast as I could.

On one side along the whole side was a white leather couch and at both ends was a little table with either magazines on it it a nice beautiful plant. In one corner was a small tv while in the other beside a window was a comfy little place to lie down and have a snooze. On the other side was two white leather seats and a table to eat your food on. In front of the table was a long coffee table with a glass surface. At the the other end of the plane was a door for the toilet.

I felt Tom's cold hands gently on my waist and his lips right beside my ear. "Are you going to go in darling?"

I snapped out of my stare and slowly walked inside, still looking at everything with my mouth hanging open. Tom led me over to another pair of white leather seats.

"Take a seat before the plane takes off." I took a seat on the window side and Tom took the seat next to me, both of us quickly putting our seat belts on. "Once the plane is in the air we'll be able to move around." I nodded and looked out the window at the dark starry night and at all the planes.

Suddenly something flew into my head, making me smile and giggle to myself. I felt Tom's hand slip into mine slowly. "What is it love?"

First I looked down at our hands and then up at his blue eyes. "I remember when we first saw each other. It was kinda like this, sitting next to each other on a plane, basically at this time of the morning." Tom smiled, looking down at his feet. he blushing!? TOM HIDDLESTON!! BLUSHING!!!

He lifted his eyes, meeting mine. "Yes. And thats when I couldn't stop thinking about you and wanting to so badly talk to you." I giggled, squeezing his hand and feeling the plane starting to take off.


"Poppy, wake up. Darling, you have to wake up." My eyes opened, meeting Tom's blue eyes. I smiled and reached up, stroking his cheek. He chuckled, unbuckling my belt.

"C'mon, the plane has landed. Lets go." I quickly sat up, hitting foreheads with Tom. "WHAT!!" He stumbled back a bit, holding his forehead. "Ow!" I covered my mouth, trying not to laugh even though my head hurt a bit as well. "Sorry." He started to laugh. "Thats alright love. I said the plane has landed and we need to get off."

I giggled, going a bit red from bumping heads with him. "Oh ok." He held his hand out and I grabbed it, leading me off the plane. It was late in the afternoon and the air was way more colder. I shivered a little bit, wrapping my jacket tighter around me.

"Are you cold love?" I looked up at him and slowly nodded. Suddenly he stopped walking and pulled off his jacket, leaving him in only a casual long sleeved shirt.

"Tom, what are you doing? No." He wrapped his jacket around my shoulders and put his hand in mine, taking me over to a car. "Tom, this is your jacket!" He smiled down at me as we kept walking. "I don't want you to be getting a cold."

Why is he so sweet?

We got into the car and started to leave the airport. "What are we going to do about my stuff?" Tom still had hold of my hand. "They'll bring it over in a truck and move it in for you."

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