Chapter 4

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When you read their messages Tom's are in bold letters

It was very peaceful and calm on the boat. "This is really nice." Tom smiled. "Is this better than sitting in your hotel room doing nothing."

I went all serious and shook my head. "No!?" I started to giggle. "I'm joking, this is lovely." He chuckled. "Good."

The ride finished and we got off the boat. I looked around us. "What now?" It looked like he was thinking then he started to smile. "C'mon." He dragged me along to where ever he was going.

We ended up out the front of the movies. I smiled. "You want to see a movie with me?" He shrugged. "Yeah why not."

I'm starting to feel like this is a date.

I shrugged. "I don't know." He walked towards the doors. "C'mon, please darling." I stood still looking up at him.

What if someone actually notices and thinks that we're together, then it will be all over the internet.

He walked back up to me. "So, you'd rather go back to the hotel?" I sighed. "Alright, but just this one time." He rubbed his hands together. "Yeah, sure. Lets go!!" He walked in with me following behind, trying not to look like we're together.

He got the tickets and us two drinks. I smiled. "Thanks." A group of people came out from their movie. I moved a little bit away from Tom, trying to pretend I was on my own.

Once they walked past I moved back to Tom. We went into the cinema and sat up the very back. Once we were ready Tom looked at me.

"What was all that about?" I took a sip of my drink and put it in the cup holder. "What do you mean?" He smiled. "When ever someone walked past you moved away from me." I looked down at my feet. "Oh, that thing." He nodded. "You don't want to be seem with me in public?"

I looked at him. "It's just, I don't want people thinking that we're...together." He chuckled. "Is that all it is." I nodded.


The movie was great!! We both loved it and was glad that we went to see it. It's just...I don't know, it seems really weird that I went to the movies with Tom.

He walked me back to my hotel room as it started to get dark. It was really awkward in the elevator, we didn't say anything or look at each other. We got to my room.

I smiled at Tom. "Thanks for today, it was really fun." He nodded. "My pleasure. I enjoyed the day and yes, it was fun." I giggled and unlocked my door. "Ok."

He leaned against the wall and scratched the back of his neck. "Um, Poppy?" I smiled. "Yeah." He sighed. "This is probably going to be really weird. Um...if it's not to much trouble...m-may I...have your number?" He pulled a worried face.

Tom Hiddleston just asked for my number!?!?! Oh my god!!! I giggled and blushed a bit. "Um...sure, but only if I can have yours."

Crap Poppy, that sounded really weird. He chuckled and got out his phone.

"Of course." We both swapped phones and put in our numbers. Once we were done we said goodnight and both left.

Once I closed my door I started jumping up and down squealing. "OH MY GOD!!!" I suddenly stopped. Crap he probably herd that.

I gasped and quickly ran to the window. I looked down and saw him getting into the car from today. I sighed. God he's perfect.


I woke up with a message on my phone. I groaned and reached to the bedside table for my phone. I smiled when I saw that it was from Tom.

'Hey, just checking to see if the number works.'

I giggled. Or maybe he wants to talk to me.

'Ok, well it worked ;) .'

I put my phone down and rolled over. Today i'v got some more touring to do!


It was a long day today and very tiring. When I entered the room I dumped all my things In the bedroom and started going through them all looking for something.

Once I got it I walked over towards the tv and put the dvd in.

Today I decided to buy The Avengers. I only saw it at the movies so I don't have it on dvd.

As it was starting I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a packet of chips.


Halfway through the movie I herd my phone make a sound. Yay, i'v got a message! I paused the movie.

Funny thing, it paused right when it showed Loki.

I got up and grabbed my phone out of my bag, then walking back to the couch. It was another message from Tom.

I got comfy again and went into my messages.

'Hello darling, how are you?'

I looked away from my phone. Why would he ask that? And why would he be randomly messaging me?

'Alright at the moment, i'm watching The Avengers.'

'Sounds great. Do you like it?'

'Yeah I guess so.'

This convocations a bit weird.

'Who's your favourite character?'

I kept smiling and looked up at the tv, seeing Loki.

'Loki ;) .'

'Ha awesome! He's pretty badass ;) .'

I giggled.

'Haha totally.'

Suddenly he stopped messaging me which was weird. I sighed and played the movie.

After a few minutes he finally messaged me back.

'Hey um...are you doing anything tomorrow night?'

I smiled and replied.

'Nope, just chilling.'

It took a few minutes for him to reply again.

'Do you maybe...want to...go out for dinner?'

I bit my bottom lip.

'Tom, are you asking me out on a date?'


I giggled to myself.

'Well then yes. I will go out on date with you ;) .'

'Perfect! I'll pick you up at 7?'

'Yeah! Cya tomorrow night! ;) .'

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