Chapter 15

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Something long and warm was wrapped around my waist as soon as I woke up. Opening my eyes and looking down, I realised that it was Tom's arm. I moaned, grabbing his hand and holding it close to my chest.


I quietly mumbled "yes?"

He moved his lips to my ear and started to gently suck on it. "I want to take you out today." I smiled and kissed his palm. "I would love that." We laid there for a few more minutes and then I slowly sat up.

"I'm gonna go have a shower." As soon as I stood up Tom grabbed my hand. "Noooooo." I smiled and pulled away, grabbing a towel and headed to the bathroom.

I herd Tom call out "you can't leave me here all alone!!" I giggled and just ignored him.


Once I got out of the shower I remembered that I didn't get any clothes.

Damn it!

I wrapped the towel around me and headed to the bedroom, still dripping wet. Tom was still in bed, laying on his back with his arm over his eyes.

I tried to quietly walk in but straight away he herd me. "What are you doing?"

I was so close!

"Nothing." I walked into the wardrobe and picked out something to wear. If you were on the bed you would get a clear view of inside the wardrobe so it was kind of hard not to let my towel drop other wise Tom would see.

"Someone obviously forgot their clothes on purpose." I looked over at the bed, seeing Tom with his arms behind his head and looking at me with a smile on his face.

"What are you talking about?" He chuckled. "You wanted me to see you like that so you forgot your clothes on purpose."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my clothes. "What ever you say." I dropped them on the end of the bed and went back into the wardrobe.

"Stop looking at me!"

"How do you even know i'm looking at you?" I walked back out with a smile on my face. "Because I just do. Now go have a shower and get ready so we can go out." He quickly rolled out of bed and grabbed a towel.

"Oh, before we go anywhere together, I have to go do something with Luke." He grabbed his clothes and headed to the door. "Ok. How about, while you do that i'll go do some of my own things and then we'll meet up somewhere." He gave me the cutest smile. "Sounds like a plan."

"Alright, when you get out of the shower i'll be gone, ok?" He nodded and walked over to me, giving me a gentle kiss. "Bye love." I smiled and watched him walk out. "Cya."


I walked to the nearest bookstore, hoping that it was going to be a very good one and plenty of good books. Once I got there I stopped out the front and looked at the shop, seeing that it was two story and that it looked pretty old.

I wrapped my jacket tighter around me and walked in, hearing a little bell ring letting the person at the front desk know.

As I started walking towards all the aisles, the old lady at the desk looked me up and down and gave me a sour look.


It had been a while since I had entered the bookstore and I was now on the second floor, slowly walking through aisle after aisle.

A few times I did find a book that I wanted but then I kept putting them back. As I was about to pick up a book my phone started ringing. I quickly shoved my hand in my pocket, hoping that it wasn't too loud.


"Hello darling. I'm finished so I guess we could meet up somewhere now."

I pulled out the book that I had my eyes on and just held on to it as I kept walking. "Yeah sounds great. Where do you want to meet up?"

"Well i'll come to you, so where are you now?" I stood there trying to remember the shops name but couldn't remember.

"Uhh, it's the bookstore thats close to where we are."

"Ok, i'll be there soon. Bye love." I smiled, loving it when he calls me that. "Cya."

I picked up another book that I thought would be good and started reading the back while I waited for Tom.


The whole shop was empty, making me and the old lady at the front the only ones in here. I was still walking around on the top floor waiting for Tom.

As I walked down an aisle, I ran my fingers along the books, still looking for one. I quickly stopped when I ran my fingers over a book that looked interesting. I grabbed it and pulled it off the shelf.

Once I did that, I saw Tom over on the other side through the gap where the book was. He had a book open pretending to read it. He then looked up with a massive smile on his face and closed the book.

"You never told me you liked books." I gave him a cheeky grin. "Oh, well i'm sorry then." I put the book back, covering up the hole so Tom couldn't see me anymore.

I kept walking on and pulled out another book. And guess what, Tom was standing there again holding up a book. "This is a good one." I shook my head and turned the corner, in the opposite direction of Tom.

I herd him walking my way so I started to run further down even though we aren't allowed to run and if the old lady caught me I would probably be kicked out.

Suddenly there was a firm hand on my wrist. "Hey!!" Whoops...I accidentally said that too loud.

Tom pulled me against him and started to kiss me. I could hear the old lady charging up the stairs to find me because I was being too loud. She leaned around the corner with a massive frown on her face and in her hand, she had a book that she was reading.

As soon as she saw us kissing she charged at us and hit Tom with the book three times. Straight away we stepped away from each other and Tom was trying to stop her.

"Ow!! Ok ok! Stop!!" She glared at me and hit my shoulder with the book. "Your too loud missy! And no kissing in my shop!! Next time, i'll kick you out!"

Tom rubbed his shoulder and looked at me. I stepped forward, pointing at Tom. "You just hit Tom Hiddleston!" She glared at him and grunted. "I don't bloody care!"

She then walked away leaving me and Tom alone again. We both looked at each other and started to laugh.

"Well that was different."

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