Chapter 3

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I had to wait a few seconds for google to load then everything popped up. I read what was in the little box about him in the right hand corner. I read his age, full name movies and upcoming movies. Thor The Dark World, Only Lovers Left Alive, Muppets Most wanted.

My mouth hung open as it started to go dry. Oh my...SHIT!!! I quickly closed the lid of my laptop before I started to get a bit carried away with reading more about him and saving pictures of him onto my desktop.

I paced around the room. He's an actor! Of course!! That explains all the fangirls. I froze and held my hand over my mouth. Shit, he's an actor, I got asked to have dinner with an actor.

I started jumping up and down and squealing. Ok cool...stop this now. I coughed and fixed my hair up. I new I had seen him somewhere. I had watched the Avengers.

I sat back down on the bed. Well... I looked down at my laptop. Mmm should I?

I pulled my laptop onto my lap and opened it up. The screen lit up with google open. I slowly moved the mouse to "Images."

Should I?

This is really weird. I'll probably see him again and he will probably ask if I googled him.

What would I say? Yeah so um, I googled you and I read a lot about you and I spent a lot of time looking at pictures of you because you are gorgeous and I even saved a few pictures onto my desktop. Oh and I even saved you as my background. WRONG!!!

I am not going to do it. I got out of google before I changed my mind and closed my laptop lid.


I finally got some food to last me until the end of the holiday. After dinner I had sat down and called my brother. We talked for a little while and then I headed off to bed.

That night I kept dreaming about Tom and what would of happened if I had dinner with him.

I kept tossing and turning and then I would wake up. I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep so I would just read until I fell asleep. Then I would dream more about Tom and then I would wake up, it all kept happening over and over again.


I woke up as I herd a bird outside the window. I moaned and rolled over.

Damn I am so tired. I got hardly any sleep last night. It felt like I couldn't get up.

I decided to go down to a cafe, have a coffee, head back to the hotel and have a break for a day.


I had found a cafe and had gotten my coffee. I sat down and started reading the paper. Hopefully theres something interesting in here.

After a few minutes it felt like someone was watching me. I lowered my head and scratched the back of my neck. Maybe I should go.

I looked down at my coffee and saw that I had hardly touched it, well only because it's too hot. Damn it.

I slowly looked around me too see if someone was watching me. My eyes stopped on someone over in the corner behind me. They were holding the newspaper up so it was covering their face.

I sighed and went back to reading the paper. Great, now I have someone watching me.

After a few minutes I herd a chair scrape along the floor. I shut my eyes at the irritating sound.

Why can't people pick up the chair instead of dragging it.

I saw in the corner of my eye someone moving to one of the tables in front of me. I was too busy reading the paper to look at the person.

Suddenly I felt a pair of eyes on me again. I looked up at the person a few tables in front of me. They were peeking at me over the paper but once I looked up they quickly lifted the paper so I couldn't see who it was.

I frowned. It was the same person that was in the corner. So now i'm being watched. I took a sip of my coffee and casually kept reading.

I saw out the corner of my eye again the person looking at me. I looked up again and got a little glimpse of the person.

Hang on a second, is that... I smiled to myself and shook my head. What an idiot. I kept on reading.

After a few minutes I herd the person get up and walk over to me. "Is this seat taken?" Straight away I started to smile.

I looked up, locking my eyes with Tom's. "Yes it is." He chuckled. "Oh, well I guess when the person comes back i'll move."

I giggled as he took the seat. I folded up the paper and looked at him again. I realised he has had a shave and a shower, he also smelt very nice.

"I'm pretty sure your stalking me." He chuckled. "You look beautiful." I felt my self blush. Oh wow...that was uh...random. "Thanks."

We both went silent for a few seconds. "So you decided to be really creepy and watch me." He smiled. "How did you know I was here?" He chuckled. "Thats my secret love."

I giggled. Wow that is weird. He leaned back in the chair. "So, do you know who I am now?" I went red just thinking about it.

There is an extremely cute actor sitting and talking to me.

"I never said I didn't know you." He smirked at me. "Poppy, you didn't know me." Wow, he remembered my name.

I scoffed. "Please, I knew all along who you were." He chuckled. "Oh really? Then how did you stay so calm and didn't say anything?" I pulled a serious face. "It's a gift." He started to laugh and then went all serious. "But really, do you know who I am now?"

I took another sip of my coffee. "Maybe." He smiled and scratched at the table.

I started thinking of yesterday how he ran away from his fans just to talk to me. "Why did you run away from your fans yesterday just to catch me?" "Because, I wanted to know your name." I giggled. "Your crazy."

We both sat there in silence for a few minutes then Tom broke the silence. "So, what are you doing today?" I looked at him. "Just having a break. I'm gonna chill back at the hotel." He smiled and leaned forward. "How about I change your plans for the day?" "Uhhh..." He stood up. "Great!! Lets go!!"

He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the cafe. "Tom!!" He started running towards a car and got in.

Tom looked at the man in the drivers seat. "You know where to go Luke!" I looked at him. "Tom, what are you doing?" He smiled. "I'm taking you somewhere." I sighed. "It better be good." He nudged me. "Oh it is."

When we got there Tom excitedly dragged me out of the car and pulled me onto a boat.

After a few minutes we were travelling slowly along the River Thames on a boat with just us on it. I'v got to say, this was really nice.

I stat at the back of the boat on a couch, looking out at everything. Tom came over and sat next to me.

"So, are you enjoying your day so far?" I smiled. "Yeah." He chuckled. "Good!"

I turned my head to look at him. "Tom, why me?" He frowned a bit. "Sorry?" I sighed. "Out of all the people in London, why did you pick me to spend the day with?"

It took him a while to come up with something to say. I smiled. "It's ok. You don't have to answer me." He smiled. "I feel like I need to though other's just weird, you know?" I giggled and pattered his shoulder. "It's fine. Thank you."

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