Chapter 8

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We all got ready and moved to a really big open area. Fiona stood in the middle ready for the shoot. I got out my big camera and started. "Alright Fiona, just turn your body to the side a bit and look at the camera over your shoulder." Straight away she did that.

I smiled. "Perfect!" I snapped a few photos and told her to move again. After a few minutes we were getting really good photos. "Wow you are great Fiona!"

I kneeled down and went to go take a photo but I saw someone in the background leaning against a tree. I zoomed in to see who it was.

The person stood there smiling at me. I slowly stood up and stared at the person in shock.

Fiona stood there waiting for me to take a few more photos. "Poppy? Hello?" My eyes started to water.

As the person slowly moved towards us, I took my camera off my neck and shoved it at Jess. I started walking away so I didn't have to see the person.

I herd Jess call out to me "where do you think your going!?" It started to pour down rain as I walked towards my car.

Suddenly I herd someone say "is that Tom Hiddleston!?" I turned around and saw Tom sprinting across the grass to me.

"Poppy!! You get back here or your done!!" More tears started running down my cheeks. Shit!

I ditched the whole thing and got in my car. I am so going to loose my job.

As Tom just made it over to the cars I got out onto the road and headed home.

The rain was coming down hard that I could hardly see anything.

Why would Tom come all the way from London just to see me after I said we weren't gonna be together.

I stopped at the traffic lights, waiting for the light to go green.I looked in the mirror and saw Tom running in the rain towards the car. I but my head back. "Shit."

As soon as the light went green I left. After a while I parked outside my tiny house and quickly got out of the car so I wouldn't get wet.

As I was walking up the footpath I felt a firm grip on my wrist and spin me around. I gasped and tried pulling away. "Let go!"

I looked up and saw that Tom was drenched and he was panting.

"Poppy please! Don't run!" I gave him a surprised look. "Your fast." Now we were both drenched, standing in the rain.

He smiled. "I know, your gonna say I made a big mistake and-."

"Tom, what the hell were you thinking! Everyone just saw you chasing my car!! And...and I don't want to see you! Now i'll probably have no job ei-."

He grabbed my neck and planted his lips on mine. All I could do was stand there in shock.

After he pulled away I glared at him. "I hate you." He chuckled. "Poppy, I really like you...a lot. Actually, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!"

I couldn't help but smile. "Tom, shut up! Everyone will hear you." He smiled down at me. "Why did you run?"

It was starting to get really cold, standing out in the rain. "Because...I new it was never gonna work, us. Sooner or later I would of had to leave anyway and then we both would of been heart broken."

He smiled. "I would of just followed you." I giggled. "Of course you would have."

I walked up to the door and unlocked it. Once I opened it I turned around and Tom was still standing out in the rain. "Are you coming?" He smiled and walked in.

"So, your not angry?" I took off my wet scarf and jacket. "I'm a bit angry because you randomly showed up with out telling me and then chased me." He looked down at the carpet. "Sorry."

I turned the heater on. "You apologise too much." He sighed. "I don't want you to be angry with me."

I smiled and took off my wet shoes. "Well, i'm gonna be angry at you for a while." He looked over at me. "Please don't. I'll do anything." As soon as he said that I started to smirk.

"You don't want me to be angry?" He nodded. "Well the only way for me to not be angry is let out all my anger." He pulled a sad face. "Then let it out." I giggled. "Ok!"

I walked up to him and slapped him as hard as I could. He gave me a surprised look.

"What was that fo-." I slapped him two more times and then walked to the kitchen. He suddenly went quiet and he didn't move.

I turned the kettle on and walked back out. "Why did you that?" I smiled. "To let out all my anger." He rubbed his cheeks. "That hurt."

Damn I feel so good.

"Well now i'm happy." He couldn't help but smile. "As long as your happy i'm happy." I nodded. "Ok."

We both stood there in silence, dripping wet. " you want a shower or something?" He turned his head towards me. "Some dry clothes would be good darling." I smiled. "Ok, let me go find some."

I headed to the spare bedroom to find some clothes. I always kept guy clothes and girl ones in there just in case.

I didn't realise that Tom followed me. I turned around and realised he was staring at me. I slowly pushed the clothes towards him. "You can get changed in here."

He smiled and took the clothes. "Thank you so much." I nodded and walked around him. "No problem. I'll be just in the kitchen making a coffee. Do you want a...cup of...tea or something?" He chuckled. "Tea would be great, thanks darling."

I nodded and closed the door, heading straight to the kitchen.

Damn he looked so hot in wet clothes...well...he always looks hot anyway.

I started making the drinks. I made Tom's first and then I started making mine.

I reached into the top cupboard to get out a cup for me. I then started looking for the coffee.

I herd footsteps coming into the kitchen. "Darling the shirt doesn't fit." I turned around to look at him.

As soon as I saw him my eyes widened and I dropped the cup, making it smash onto the floor with a loud bang.

The black jeans fitted perfectly. But the thing is...the top was in his hand while he stood there shirtless giving me an innocent look.

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