Chapter 10

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I watched Tom as he ran in and out of the rooms like a little excited boy, punching the air and jumping up and down screaming "I am the happiest man in the world!!"

I coughed, trying to get his attention. "You do you know you will have to talk to my older brother about it." He suddenly stopped and slowly turned around to face me. "Your brother?"

I smiled and slowly nodded. He chuckled. "How bad could it be?" I gave him a serious look trying to tell him that it probably wont go to well.

He sighed and straight away his shoulders dropped. "W-when will I have to talk to him?" I smiled, knowing when he will probably come over to see me and ask about my 'short' holiday in London. "Tomorrow."

I herd him gulp from where he was standing. "Tomorrow? Ok, surely it wont be that bad." I snorted. "Tom, he's like a dad. He's very protective over me and he will care about who I am seeing."

He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled. "Well, i'm very excited about seeing him." I stood up and walked over to him, still having a smile on my face.

"Well i'm going to bed so i'll see you in the morning." As I said that I placed my hands on his hard chest. Damn, i'd do anything to see that beautiful chest again.

He smiled down at me as he placed his hands so gently on my waist as if I was going to break into a million pieces if he pressed too hard.

I kissed his cheek and started to walk down the dark hallway to my bedroom. "And don't forget your sleeping in the spare bedroom." I felt his eyes glued to my back as I walked into my room. "Yes darling."


I woke up and got a massive waft of pancakes. In the kitchen I could here them cooking and the sound of plates being put out on the table.

I smiled and stretched my arms and legs out. Man it's good to wake up with the smell of pancakes.

I stumbled out of bed and wrapped my dressing gown around myself and headed out to the kitchen.

The first thing I saw was two white plates with a knife and fork neatly beside them. In the middle of the table sat all the toppings for the pancakes.

I turned the corner and saw Tom cooking three pancakes in the pan.

Beside him on the bench sat a bigger white plate with a neat stack of them perfectly cooked.

I smiled and moved my eyes to Tom. His back was facing me as he flipped the pancakes. He wore the same as yesterday and he smelt extremely nice. His hair was wet only a little bit, basically showing that he had a shower a while ago.

"Smells good." He looked at me over his shoulder and smiled, looking me up and down. "Good morning." I walked over to the bench and leaned against it, realising that Tom had made me a coffee.

"Good morning to you as well." He lifted the pancakes and gently placed them on the top of the stack. "Sleep well?" I smiled.

Gosh he's so sweet. "Yes I did. You?" He smiled and lifted up the plate, walking over to the small brown table and placing it in the middle.

"I slept like a rock." He came back over and grabbed my coffee, walking back over to the table and placing it in front of my plate. "Thank you for this. Your so sweet."

He chuckled and pulled my chair out for me. "Your welcome. Now come take a seat before they go cold." I smiled and walked over, sitting in the seat.

He pushed the chair in for me and sat next to me. Straight away we both grabbed a pancake each and started eating.

"So I went for a run this morning." I looked at him, giving him a look as if to say continue on. "Um, I hope you don't mind but I used some of the clothes in one of the draws."

I smiled and finished what was in my mouth. "It's ok, thats what those clothes are there for." He smiled, reaching over and grabbing another warm pancake. "I washed them and did some of your washing as well. You'll need some clean clothes for when you move."

I pattered his arm and kissed his cheek. "Thank you so much. Speaking about moving, I was thinking...maybe we could...leave tomorrow?"

Hearing that, he choked on the piece that was in his mouth and he dropped his knife and fork, giving me a worried look.

"Why so soon love?" I shrugged and poked at the pancake on my plate. "I don't know. I just want to leave." He still gave me the same worried look. "You sure? I have to do something about this house."

I smiled up at him. "My brother will handle it." He nodded, cutting a small piece and putting it in his mouth.

Once he swallowed it he gave me a gentle smile. "Well, if thats what you want then i'm totally ok with." I smiled and placed my head on his shoulder. "Thank you, Tom."

I felt him rest his head against mine as he rubbed my arm. "I'll do anything to make you happy."


It was 11:28 am and I ran around the house getting all the things I wanted to take with me as Tom got ourselves a private jet.

I'v got to say, there actually wasn't that much to take but there was a lot of stuff to leave behind in boxes for Liam to take care of. I wonder what he's going to say about this, I hope he likes Tom and that he wont have a problem with this.

Tom walked into the bedroom and stopped in the middle of the room, giving me a serious face. I turned around to look at him. "Did you get it?"

He sighed, shaking his head and looking down at the carpet with his hands on his waist. Straight away I knew what the answer was going to be.

I dropped my head and my shoulders. At least he tried. Suddenly he started laughing. "Of course I got it!!" I started to scream as I jumped on him. He spun around in circles and then he gently put me down.

I smiled and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. "This is great! Good job at getting it." He chuckled. "Ok, we need to stop. Lets get you packed and ready for tomorrow."

He walked over to the bed and looked at everything I was taking. "Thats not much." I walked up behind him. "Well I don't need much." He looked over at what I was leaving behind.

He gasped when he caught his eye on something. "No. There is noway you are leaving this behind." He lifted up a white dress that had a black stripe that went around the middle. At the bottom was a few tiny black flowers.

I giggled. "Tom, that is so old though." He placed it on the "taking with me" pile. I kept giggling as he went through the "not keeping" pile.

"Tom, please." He lifted up another dress. "This!! This is beautiful!!" He placed it on the pile. "Poppy, I think i'm going to pack for you."

I covered my mouth with my hand as I started laughing at how adorable he was being. He was going from one side of the room to other always with something new for the "taking with me" pile.

Suddenly there was a knock at the front door. I jumped and clapped my hands. "Oh he's here!!" I don't think Tom was paying attention because he just kept going through the clothes.

I walked up to the front door and took a deep breath.

Please like Tom, please like Tom, please like Tom.

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