Chapter 5

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As soon as I woke up the first thing that shot to my head was the date tonight. I smiled and rolled over onto my back, looking up at the plane white ceiling.

I can't believe i'm going on a date with Tom Hiddleston. TOM HIDDLESTON!!!

I did a happy sigh and then I remembered something. Crap I didn't bring any good clothes from home because I wasn't expecting to go out. I shot up out of bed and ran to the shower.

I need an extremely good dress!! Sexy and beautiful...mmm maybe expensive as well. This is an actor for crying out loud, I need an expensive dress.

I stepped under the nice hot water. Shoes, I need new shoes. High heels maybe? Give me some height for when i'm standing next to that giant.


I headed out to the shops to find a dress and shoes. I walked inside a nice shop I had found. Straight away a lady came up to me.

"Hello love, can I help you with anything?" I looked around me. "Um...yeah, i'm looking for a dress." She nodded. "Any in particular?" I smiled. "I want a extremely beautiful dress that is also very expensive one as well." The lady giggled. "Well you've come to right place. Follow me."

I followed her through the shop down to the end. "Is blue ok?" I giggled. "Of course!"

We walked into a room and she pulled out the most beautifulest, most perfect dress I have ever seen.

I gasped. "That is perfect!!!" She smiled at it as she held it up for me to see. "Yes, I love it myself."

She passed me the dress. "Now, you go try that on and don't worry if it doesn't fit, we have other sizes." I smiled and took it. "Thank you so much."

I went to the change rooms and tried it on. I looked myself up and down in the mirror. What a perfect fit!


The lady had put my dress up the front to be paid for and then she helped me out with picking some shoes.

As we were sitting there in the shoes section she started to smile at me.

"So whats all this for?" I giggled. "A date." She giggled as well. "Ohhh. Who's the special man?"

Thats when I almost vomited. What will she say!? I'm not very good at lying.

"Um...his name is Tom." She kept smiling. "I know heaps of single Tom's. Sorry for asking but Tom who?" Uh oh.

"Tom...Harrison." She sighed. "Aww, nope, don't know him." Yeah thats because I made it up.


It had been a long day, shopping for things. But I got the dress and the shoes, I even got some really nice perfume to wear!

I was rushing around the house naked with a towel around me from the shower, trying to get ready. It was getting closer to 7:00 and I was no where near ready.

God I am so nervous! A date with a famous person and i'm not ready yet! Suddenly I herd a knock on the door. I froze straight away.

Shit shit shit shit!! He's here, ready to pick me up and here I am standing near the door only wearing a towel.

He knocked again. "Poppy?" I walked up to the door nervously and opened. "Hiiii Tom!"

As soon as he saw me his eyes widened and he started looking me up and down. He looked extremely handsome in that suit and he also smelt very nice.

He smiled. "You look...lovely." I giggled nervously and dragged him in, closing the door behind him. "Sorry that i'm not ready." He chuckled. "It's ok, don't panic darling."

I ran my fingers through my hair. "Ok, i'm really sorry for inviting you in while i'm naked." He scoffed. "Well, I mean i'm not naked, i'v got a towel on but basically I am naked, standing in front of a really hot man I only just met and..."

He chuckled at what I just said. "Did I say your really hot?" He nodded. "Ohh...sorry i'v got to go get ready!!"

I ran into the bedroom and slammed and the door behind me.

Shit Poppy, what was that! I sighed and rubbed my eyes. Deep breaths Poppy, deep breaths.


Once I was finally ready I walked out to Tom where he was sitting on the couch.

As soon as he looked at me his eyes widened and he started to smiled. " look...stunning." I started to blush. "Thank you."

He kept staring at me for a few minutes. I nervously coughed. He snapped out of the stare. "Sorry love." He pattered the couch beside him. "Come sit here."

I walked over and sat down. He turned to face me. "I thought I should get you this." He pulled out a small black box and handed it to me.

I smiled and took it. "Aww Tom, you didn't have to get me something." He chuckled. "I actually did have to." "Your too sweet." He smiled. "C'mon open it." I opened it slowly.

Once I saw what was inside I gasped and looked at Tom. "Oh Tom! It's beautiful!!" He chuckled. "When I saw it I knew I had to get that for you."

I felt my eyes starting to water. "You didn't have to buy something so expensive for me." I looked back down at the silver necklace.

It looked too expensive actually.

He moved closer. "Let me put it on you." I picked it up and passed it to him. I turned my back to him. He put it around my neck and I lifted up my hair.

Once it was on I turned back around to face him. I wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you so so so so much!" He chuckled and gently put his hands on my back. "Your welcome, love."

I pulled away and smiled. "It looks beautiful on you." I blushed. "Thanks again. Alright lets go on this date!"

I stood up and walked over to the door with Tom following behind.

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