03. jack

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+ watching funny movies together 

+ never fails to make you smile / laugh 

+ "yo , let's do something fruity." 

+ "what the hell does that mean, jack?" 

+ he even gets nervous to kiss you on the cheek 

+ will quickly peck your lips 

+ will put his head on your shoulder during car rides and fall asleep 

+ will buy you a lot of food 

+ will go pick out flowers by himself just for you 

+ playing with your hair 

+ outdoor days

+ thinks you look adorable when you're mad 

+ hates being away from you for more than 2 days 

+ he stutters a lot when you talk to him and/or look directly in his eyes 

+ is REALLY nervous to meet your parents 

+ he get sweaty hands 

+ will start stuttering like bill 

+ "what if they hate me, y/n?!" 

+ "how could anyone POSSIBLY hate you? no. they'll adore you, like i do." 

+ you kissing his cheek a lot 

+ will force you to play sports with him (sometimes)

+ will support you no matter what 

+ will suddenly have a degree in college for fashion when he goes shopping with you . 

+ "yes, yes, yes. everything looks good on you , y/n !" 

+ " jack , i haven't tried anything on yet." 

+ will call you at random times during the day just to check up on you 

+ will hold you and keep saying "it's okay" when you cry 

+ he loves holding your hand 

+ he loves taking selfies with you 

+ he posts all of them 

+ he snaps back at hateful comments towards you 

+ will block anyone who hates on you on social media 

+ if you get in a fight, he'll just give you the silent treatment 

+ can't stay mad at you 

+ feels horrible after the fight

+ will wake you up by kissing all over your face 

+ he'll always be honest with you