Fire and Fire

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After Ben was finished checking out his new car, we went back inside to see how Big Ben was doing.

"How you doin', Big guy?" I asked Big Ben, as I looked at his wounds.

"Been better but I'm still breathing." He said smirking. Big Ben was very muscular. He didn't seem to be the brightest, but he always made sure his friends stayed safe. His hair was brown and short. He didn't seem to be in that much pain, given that he had three holes in his upper torso. Madison had pulled out some rubbing alcohol to clean the bullet holes.

"This might really, really hurt." She said as she poured some of the liquid onto the open wounds. He felt that. He shouted in pain as the wounds made a faint sizzling sound, as they cleaned the inside. "If we don't do this, it'll get infected. And you could die if that happens."

"Thank you." Big B mumbled. We all watched as Madison applied an ointment that would help keep it clean.

"You can't get these bandages wet, okay?" Madison asked, looking into Big B's eyes. He nodded and she proceeded to wrap Ben in bandages. She made sure to make it tight, but not tight enough to hurt him. She gently wrapped him then handed him his shirt.

"I need to lay down..." He said holding his head. The pain was making him dizzy. We would have to make sleeping arrangements for our new visitors. I gathered everyone in the room, except Hannah and Zach, who were still talking upstairs, to plan out where people would sleep. Last time we ran out of room, we decided to make two wooden huts in the back yard for people to live in. Brianna and Emilie lived in one and Tim, Parker, and Nick lived in the other.

"Katherine can stay in me and Elizabeth's room." Cailey suggested. We all assumed Hannah would be staying with Zach, in his room, so we only needed to find two more places. I looked over at Ben, who was still eating his Birthday cake, and shrugged.

"Peter and Big B can stay in my room." He said, with a full mouth of chocolate cake.

"Good, then it's settled. Peter, come help me grab our sleeping bags." Katherine ordered.

"Yes ma'am. Should we not bring the rest of our stuff in?" Peter asked following Katherine.

"We're only staying for a week or two. We have to go back home when B's better." She said opening the front door.

"What about Hannah?" Peter asked, stopping where he stood.

"It'll be another four months until that baby's born. She's coming back home with us." Katherine claimed, as she waved Peter out the door. Peter didn't move. I could see Katherine's face turning red with anger.

"She would be safer here. Maybe she should s-" He started but was cut off.

"She's coming home with us. Now come on." She said angrily.

"No." He said firmly. Katherine's face was bright red now.

"No?" She asked furiously.

"If she goes back, you're putting her and the child in danger." Peter argued. It was getting out of hand, so I intervened.

"We'll figure that out later. Let's go grab those sleeping bags." I said patting Katherine on the shoulder. She swatted my hand away and pushed me back. She was surprisingly strong for her size. I felt something in my gut and it started to grow. I knew what it was instantly. The rage. Brianna always told me to learn to control it, but I was never successful. I put my face right in front of hers and I could tell, by the look on her face, that my eyes were changing colors again. Some of us had been able to gain this powerful rage, ever since the bioweapon entered our bodies. What would happen is first your eyes would turn red. Then, You would feel the fury. Sometimes you would even lose control.

"We're not in Oklahoma. This is MY house. Lay a hand on me again and I'll have to crush you." I growled at her. Her face changed from red to pale white, almost instantly."Understand?"

"Yes, sir." She whimpered, turning to retrieve her sleeping bag. After she ran out the door, I looked over at Peter. The rage was leaving as he spoke to me.

"That was the first time someone stood up to her. Thanks." He said turning to get Big B and himself their sleeping bags, from the truck. I returned to the living room and approached my sister, who was still staring at Big B.

"Good Job, sis." I said calmly. I was proud of her for taking charge of the situation. She was going to be a leader one day. Just like her Brother.

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