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Ben and I ran through the plan, at least, thirty times before I had it mastered. It was the craziest thing I had ever heard, but it was the only thing we had.

"Come on, they're in here!!" I whispered to Ben. We waited until everyone was asleep to pack our stuff. Earlier, Ben had snuck into Zach's room and had packed his stuff for him, while Hannah and Zach laid asleep in their bed. We decided to just grab the food and water from the store, on the way. I had packed my revolver, all of my ammo, and all the clothes I would need, into my backpack. Ben had thrown all of our luggage into the trunk of his new car. There wasn't a back seat in the car but the front seat was big enough for all three of us to fit. We were grabbing the last items from the storage closet when I heard my bedroom door open.

"Dray?" Luke's voice called out. I sighed and answered to him.

"I'm here." I replied. The lights came on and Luke was looking at us from my doorway.

"Where are you going? Can I come?" He asked looking at me, fully dressed.

"No, we need you here to tell everyone where we went." Ben called from behind me.

"If anyone asks, we went to recover supplies from an enemy helicopter that went down in another state." I told him.

"How long will you be gone?" Luke asked raising his eyebrows.

"A week." I answered firmly. His eyes doubled in size when he heard my answer.

"A week?! Zach's birthday is in 4 days. Your sister's is in 12. What if something happens while you're gone?" Luke asked concerned.

"You guys can handle anything on your own. Will you tell the others that when they wake up?" I asked my cousin. He nodded and gave him a quick hug.. "Go back to bed."

"Good luck, Dray. Stay safe." Luke said turning back to his cot.

"Let's get the tents and get out of here." Ben said opening the storage closet. The tents weren't hard to find because of what they were in. The bags that held the tents were huge. And heavy. Really heavy. They weighed around twenty pounds each. The tent bag wasn't very big, but when it was constructed, it was very large. We both ran each bag out to the car before we retuned back into the house, to grab the last thing. Zach. Ben had the crazy idea of kidnapping him in his sleep. At first, I felt bad about the idea of taking Zach away from Hannah but I tried not to let it phase me. We crept up to Zach's room and opened the door open slowly. I entered first, listening for movement. I could hear them breathing softly as I approached the bed. In the faint light that came through the door, I could see the two of them lying in the bed. Zach had fallen asleep with his arm around Hannah's body. From where I stood, it looked very cute. When I got to the other side, I almost burst out laughing. Zach's arm didn't only wrap around Hannah, but it curved downwards. Zach had fallen asleep grasping her breast. I gently reached over the bed and slowly pulled his arm away. Zach was the heaviest sleeper I had ever seen. He could sleep through any class he wanted. You could slap him and he wouldn't wake. Ben and I had tested this theory once during english class.

"psst... Ben, get the blindfold." I whispered back to Ben as I lifted Zach's head. Ben made his way over to me and wrapped a towel around his head, covering his eyes and tying it. We both lifted Zach off the bed and started to carry him out the door, when he farted in his sleep. We almost dropped him, to hold in our laughter. We left the room and made our way downstairs, to the front door. Zach slightly snored as we carried him to the car. Ben laughed, knowing that Zach wouldn't wake at the sound.

"Dat fart dough." he chuckled. I couldn't help but laugh with him. We did it. When we finally got to the car, We sat Zach in the middle of us and Ben started the engine. I rumbled loudly as he pushed on the gas. I could feel the vibrations in the seat. Zach slept soundly as I buckled him in. After I had done the same to myself, Ben shifted into gear and we took off. It was a long drive to Ironton. It would be worth it after all the chaos, though. I could just feel it.

"Remember, we still have room in the trunk for the water and food. We can stop at Walmart on the way there." I reminded Ben. He nodded and pulled a lever which turned the headlights on. I looked down at my wristwatch and saw that it was only 1:47. I was going to sleep but I decided to stay awake to talk to Ben. "Have you ever been to Ironton, Ben?"

"No, I don't think so." He replied, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I used to go up there with my grandpa and Ty and Luke, all the time. We used to fish, go swimming, Tell ghost stories, roast marshmallows, and just have a good ol' time. Of course, It's been years since the last time I've been there, but the memories are great." I explained trying to remember all the fun we had.

"So are you going into Walmart alone or... " Ben started to ask.

"Yeah I'll go in and grab a bunch of camping food." I stated.

"Like what?" He asked

"Hot dogs, burgers, bottled water, beans, graham crackers, Chocolate, and a lot of Marshmallows." I said, as we sped down the road.

"Cool, so what are we getting Zach for his Birthday since he'll be spending it with us?" Ben asked. I had almost forgotten. We wouldn't return home until two days after his birthday.

"I don't know, what do you think? Maybe something baby related?" I asked, starting to feel tired.

"We don't know what the baby is yet. What is Zach going to name it?" Ben asked. I just shrugged.

"Wake me up when we get to the store, okay?" I yawned then shut my eyes. I fell asleep soon as my eyes closed.

RestlessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora