Its Not Kidnapping, If You Like It

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Where are we, guys?" Zach asked as we untied the cloth that restricted his hands and feet.

"Camping." Ben said, smiling.

"Where are we camping?!" Zach asked, getting annoyed.

"At a campsite." I chuckled. Ben was the first to untie his feet. Zach stretched his legs and bent his knees.

"Why are we here?" Zach asked as I finished untying his hands.

"Because we thought you needed to get away from all the stress for a while." I said looking at him. Now that his hands were free, he popped his knuckles. Then, without warning, punched me in the face. I fell to the ground and Ben pushed Zach back.

"Take me away from the stress?! I think it's pretty damn stressful to be kidnapped!!!" Zach yelled at me. I rubbed my nose and saw that it was gushing blood. Blood dripped down my face and a drop fell onto Coal, who was now tightening his grip, out of fear, of me falling. He wasn't choking me, but I definitely feel him squeezing. Zach didn't notice the snake around my neck until the blood reached my chin.

"It's not kidnapping if you like it." I claimed, wiping the blood from under my upper lip. My nose wasn't broken, but it definitely hurt. I just laughed through the pain. Zach calmed himself, bent down and helped me up, off the ground.

"Sorry, Dray. What's with the snake, dude?" Zach said pointing at Coal.

"Zach, meet Coal. I found him in the leaves, earlier. Ben, can you throw me that cloth or something?" I said trying to stop the flowing blood. He grabbed Zach's blindfold and tossed it to me. Cleaning my face of the blood, Coal loosened his grip.

"So can someone tell me how long we'll be here?" Zach asked looking around.

"A week." Ben said. He was collecting twigs off the ground and was throwing them into the fire pit. It wasn't lit because I hadn't given him the lighter. "We need some paper to start this fire, Drayton. The leaves are too damp."

"I got this." Zach said reaching into his pocket. He pulled out six $50 bills and handed them to Ben. Ben was dumbfounded. He just stared at the money.

"Where did you get $300, Zach?" Ben asked, examining the bills, one by one.

"I'm a pimp, yo." Zach answered, making a gang sign with his hands. I facepalmed then pulled the lighter out of my pocket.

"Do you think it would be risky to have a fire during the day?" I asked. The fire's smoke could draw the attention of unwanted patrolmen. They agreed and Ben yawned. He had gotten the least amount of sleep out of us all. I thought he deserved some sleep for being as helpful as he was. "Ben, how about you take a nap and Zach and I will keep watch."

"Sure, okay. Wake me up if you need me." He said as he removed his shoes to enter his tent. Stepping inside, he zipped the tent shut behind him and I decided to go sit in my own tent. Ben had put all the food in my tent because he knew I was the only one that wouldn't eat it all. Before I entered, I gently grabbed Coal's tail and unwrapped him from my neck. It was about time for him to go back into the wilderness.

"Bye, Coal." I said smiling, as I set him down in the leaves. He was still for a moment, before he slithered away. Maybe I would see him again. Maybe. I took Ben's plan and tried to nap. The blanket was silky and soft, wrapped around my body. The pillows Ben had picked out were fluffy and filled with feathers. It was hard to say no to sleep, with the amount of comfort the bed gave. I sat up and looked over at the food we brought with us. We would roast hot dogs over the fire for dinner tonight. I heard someone outside my tent, grasping the door's zipper. The tent's door opened and Zach stuck his head through.

"Sup, Dray?" He asked, looking down at the food pile.

"No food until dinner. Maybe tomorrow, we can go down to the river and swim. Unless you need floaties." I joked. He smiled and removed his shoes, to enter.

"I miss Hannah." Zach sighed. I emptied my pockets and set my items next to my pillow.

"I know you do, Zach." I said back. "I bet she misses you, too."

"I hope this week goes by fast. I need to be with her." Zach said, messing with his red hair.

"It'll be fine. Only one week. What could happen?" I asked Zach. Nothing ever happened at the house. Everyone got along, they were stocked with food and ammo, and the Sandmen were unable to find the house.

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