Back At Home

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Everyone was awake and almost instantly noticed our absence.

"I can't find Zach, anywhere." Hannah said as she searched the house.

"Drayton and Ben are gone, too." Ty stated aloud, adding to the panic.

"Just sit down, Hannah. We'll find them. They probably just went out to get supplies." Elizabeth assured her. They sat on the couch and comforted Hannah, as Luke entered the room.

"They won't be back for a while, girls." Luke claimed. The girls all stopped their chatter.

"What do you mean? How do you know?" Cailey questioned, rubbing Hannah's back.

"I saw them when they left. They told me to tell you all, that they're going to a different state." Luke started.

"Different state?!" Elizabeth asked, almost angrily. Hannah gasped.

"What other state?!" Cailey asked furiously. Luke shrugged.

"They didn't say, where. They just said that they'd be gone for about a week. The girls all gasped.

"What are we going to do?!" Hannah asked, panicking.

"Oh stop your cryin'. let em' go get killed. We'll be better off without em'." Katherine growled, from the place she had been sitting quietly, up until this point. This made Hannah mad.

"Don't you ever say anything like that, about them!! We'd be dead if Drayton and his team didn't let us stay here!! If you ever say something like that about my Zach, I'll kill you!!!" Hannah yelled standing up. Cailey and Elizabeth tried to calm her but, she pushed them away. Katherine was enraged by Hannah's threat.

"I'm done with this!! I've put up with you for too long!!! All of you!!" Katherine yelled, pulling a pistol from her pocket. Everyone stayed still, trying to calm her down.

"Honey, put that down. You don't want to do this. Please." Nick said, slowly approaching. Katherine aimed the gun at him and he stopped moving.

"You don't get it, do you?! We're all going to die during this. There's no way to wake the world. I'm warning you." Katherine warned. Nick still edged his way towards her holding his hands in the air.

"It's going to be okay." Nick said softly. Katherine's face was mixed with tears and anger.

"Not for you." She said pulling the trigger of her gun. The loud pop echoed throughout the house. As the bullet entered Nick's chest he cried out. He fell backwards onto the ground. Parker ran to his fallen father's side, crying and holding him in his arms. Everyone looked back at Katherine who had moved the barrel, now making it even with Hannah's head. One final shot was fired and they all waited for Hannah to fall dead. They looked back to katherine to find her falling over, crashing into the coffee table. A bullet had gone straight through both sides of her head, entering and exiting her brain, killing her instantly. Peter stood on the other side of the room holding his assault rifle. He lowered the gun and looked at everyone else, sitting frozen. He walked to and stood over Katherine's small, lifeless body. Her eyes remained open, but dead. A blood puddle had formed around her head.

"See you in hell, Witch." He growled at the girl, he had just shot dead, in front of everyone. He bent over and spat on Katherine's body. Elizabeth, Madison, and Tim surrounded Parker and his father. Tears ran down his face as he spoke with his son.

"I'm fine, son." He whispered." Madison will get me fixed up. Parker laid there with him, crying, watching Madison assist his father. The room was silent other than Parker's quiet sobs. Nick almost died that day. Sorrow flowed throughout the house.

"It should have been me.." Parker whispered, trying to shut his father's eyes, with two fingers. "I want to have a burial for him."

"I'm not dead, son." Nick said shaking his head.

"What do we do with her?" Peter asked, nudging Katherine's body with the tip of his foot.

"Doesn't matter. Just get rid of her." Hannah commanded, with tears in her eyes. Hannah, Peter, Big Ben, and Katherine had all grown up together in Oklahoma. For years, they had been the fantastic four, never able to stay apart. Now, Peter had just murdered Katherine, in front of her. Hannah thought to herself, would it be a good choice to birth children into our dark, broken world? To force them to grow up and learn to survive in these conditions? Did she have a choice?

"We need Drayton." Tim stated.

"We'll just have to wait." Cailey admitted. One week, until we returned. It was going to be a long week.

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