Godfather Drayton

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About a week passed and Zach had been acting fairly strange. I assumed it was just the stress. He wanted to speak with me and Ben privately one day, to ask us something.

"I need to ask you guys something. You don't have to answer now but I need you to think about it, okay?" Zach asked us. We both nodded and waited for his question.

"What is it?" Ben asked curiously. Zach smiled and took a deep breath.

"Hannah and I have been talking... and we thought that it would be a great pleasure if the two of you... Would be our baby's Godfathers!!" He cheered.

"We would be honored, Zach." I spoke for both of us. Zach chuckled with glee then hugged us both. He thanked us and rushed out of the room, to tell Hannah the news. Ben and I just stood there awkwardly.

"We need to get him out of the house. He's going insane." Ben whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked softly.

"He sees everything..." Ben whispered, smiling.

Good point." I joked. I agreed with Ben's statement about Zach. He was changing because of the problems at hand.

"I miss when it was just us." Ben said, looking at the ground. I tried to remember the good days, when the three of us could just sit around and have fun. I remember how we would try to distract each other from across the classroom while the teacher had her back turned. We never stayed mad at one another, we never wasted time with each other, and we just had fun. Sometimes I wonder, could I ever get better friends?

"I miss it, too. We need to do something. Just the three of us." I said resting my arm, around my buddy. Then his face lit up.

"We should go on an adventure!!" He said excitedly. His idea sounded fun but what would we do?

"An adventure?" I asked. He nodded then rubbed his chin, thinking.

"We could go camping!!! Of course, we would have to lie to the others so no one would want to come, but it would be tons of fun." Ben explained. The idea of camping sounded very fun. We could go to camp that my grandfather used to take me and my cousins to. It was in Ironton, which was about 56 miles away. It was an hour drive from my house.

"How long would we be gone?" I asked Ben who was acting like he had a beard to stroke.

"Depends on how long we think Zach needs, to return to normal. We could be gone for a week if we have to." Ben said, opening a drawer and retrieving a piece of paper. He fished a pen from his back pocket and wrote something down on the paper.

"What if we go somewhere else? Like a different state? Or go visit somewhere we've always wanted to go? Where's somewhere you want to go, in the country?" I asked getting an idea.

"I don't know... I guess I've wondered what the Grand Canyon looked like." He said stumped.

"That's a great choice!! I always wanted to go over the Golden gate bridge or take a ferry over to The statue of Liberty." I said. I tried to imagine what it would be like to go somewhere like that. Ben wrote down the landmarks on the piece of paper.

"These places are across the country, Drayton." Ben said looking at what he wrote down.

"I'm willing to do it for Zach's sake." I said proudly. Ben nodded and folded the paper in half. He slipped the paper into his pocket and dropped his pen on the counter.

"What are we going to tell the others?" Ben asked.

"We'll say that we're going on a mission to get something only found in a different state or that we're going to sabotage one of the Sandmen's bases." I explained to him.

"Maybe we can do these things at a later date, Ben. I think camping would be really fun, enough." I said thinking about how long we would have to drive.

"I guess... Do you have a tent we could use?" Ben asked.

"I got four tents down in the storage room." I stated. Each of the tents were big enough for two people. Since we planned on staying for a week, I decided to bring three tents anyway. We would have to bring a lot of food and water with us, to last a week.

"Before we start packing, we need to ask Zach." Ben said gesturing for me to go. I nodded then turned towards the door to the living room. Zach was sitting on the couch, holding Hannah's hands, in his own. Hannah saw me approaching and smiled.

"It really means alot to us for you and Ben to agree to be our child's Godfathers." She said standing up, with the help of Zach. She hugged me then sat back down next to Zach.

"Thank you guys. Zach, can I talk to you in the kitchen for minute? Thanks, let's go." I said escorting him towards the kitchen. I open the door and pushed him inside.

"What do you guys need?" Zach asked me and Ben.

"How would you like to go camping with us?" Ben asked as he grinned.

"I'd love too, but... Hannah needs me here... I can't leave." Zach said as I looked into his eyes. Zach didn't look like himself. You could see that he had gotten very little sleep, because he refused to let hannah do anything on her own. It reminded me of a psychopath. He really needed a break from work. He left the room and I looked over at Ben who looked glum.

"He's coming camping with us. And he's going to have fun." Ben said, crossing his arms.

"How are we going to get him to come with us?" I asked. Ben smirked.

"I got an idea.."

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