New plan

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The world seemed to be crumbling around us. One after another, we were losing hope.

"What's the plan?" Zach asked me. We were informed by Aaron that the sandmen were closing in on us by the minute. We needed a new place to call home. It was the last thing in my mind to leave my own house. Even worse my own family.

"I.. Don't know.. What do you guys think?" I asked, completely out of ideas.

"I think we need to relocate completely. We.. We have to leave Hillsboro." Elizabeth whimpered. Everyone was quiet. Leave our home town? We had no choice.

"Where would we go? There's nothing left..." Big Ben reminded us. The entire world was in permanent sleep.

"There is somewhere we can try." Aaron said thoughtfully.

"It has to be somewhere the sandmen aren't." Cailey said to Aaron.

"You won't find a place like that, but.. I know where we can have less contact with them." Aaron replied.

"As long as we're safe, we can go there." I assured. "Where can we go?"

"San Fransisco, California or Miami, Florida." Aaron finally said.

"Why those places?" Nick asked.

"We've had rebellion in three states in the US. Florida, Cali, and Missouri. I think if we go there, we can find other survivors." Aaron concluded. I liked the idea. If we found more people, we would have a better chance of survival.

"Well as good as that sounds, we only have three vehicles, only four of us can drive, and we have a lot of supplies here." Hannah said. Then she looked at me. "Right?"

"No.." I said sorrowfully. Everyone started to question what I meant but Cailey spoke up.

"Yesterday I sent the boys out to get more food and they brought back nothing. We're almost completely out of food, most of our medical supplies is gone, and we're being boxed in by the moment. We have to get out while we have a chance." Cailey explained.

"So, we're almost completely out of food and you were going to keep it to yourself?!" Brianna questioned.

"I kept it from you for the sanity of the group." Cailey growled. The stress was making us want to kill each other. I changed the subject.

"Which should we pick Aaron? Florida or Cali?" I asked.

"We've had the most problems in California with sleep walkers but the roads there are all blocked, in Florida there's more patrol but less traffic." Aaron explained.

"I think California is our best option right now." I said to the group. They agreed and we started to discuss our transportation problem. We had 14 people overall and a car full of supplies. Each truck could hold five people and Ben's car could pack three.

"Why don't we go somewhere nearby? We can still get food from the gas station, right?" Maddie asked from behind me.

"We picked the gas station clean. We found nothing but a few candy bars and a crate of soda. We need to go somewhere, away from here." Luke answered.

"Here's the plan, first we pack up. Everything you'll need. You're limited to two bags. Second, weapons. Every bullet is priceless. While you guys pack, Nick and I are going to clear out the gun vault. We'll meet back here in twenty minutes. We leave at sundown." I finished as we all split up. My grandfather had a gun vault in the basement to store his prized weapons. His favorite, and most dangerous, the chain gun. It was locked in a large glass case in the back of the vault.

"We'll get that last, we need to get everything else that is necessary." Nick instructed. I looked up at nick. He was a tank. I thought to myself. I bet he could break that case open with his bare hands.

"Everything is necessary, Nick." I replied. Counting in my head, we had a dozen firearms in all. Two shot guns, two sniper rifles, four handguns, three assault rifles, and the chain gun. Next to the entrance, were six large crates, packed with ammunition. The boxes would take up a lot of the room in one of the trucks. The group decided to keep food and clothes in one truck, our four gas cans in Ben's car, and the weapons in the other truck. We moved each crate and gun up the stairs and into the back of the PG truck.

"Hey Drayton, come here!" Aaron's voice called from my room. I looked to Nick and he smiled.

"Go ahead, I got the last one." Nick chuckled. I nodded then proceeded to my room where Aaron stood with a rod in his hands.

"Can I have this back?" Aaron asked holding

"Sure Aaron, that's why I kept it." I answered as I watched him tap the end of the short pole on the ground. The ends extended with ease. The pole was now a staff.

"Oh, how I missed this." Aaron sighed. I smiled and watched. He looked like a child on Christmas morning.

"Aaron can you help me with something" I asked him. He turned to me and tapped his staff again. It retracted back to it's carrying size.

"Yeah, dude. Anything you need, I'm your man." He smiled as he spoke

"Is there anywhere we could get another armored truck?" I asked. It would be nice to have more space for the group and for the supplies. Aaron stopped and thought for a minute. Then a wicked smile came across his face.

"I have something in mind.."

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