Not Ready To Go

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As we pulled in the driveway, I could still see the entire group bringing stuff out.

"Son of a.. They should have been done by now." Aaron growled. He backed the Mover into the driveway. "Hayden, stay here. I'm going to get the tracker out of bus. Drayton, Nick, go help the others."

"Yes, sir." I replied. I jumped out of the Mover and ran inside the house. Cailey and Elizabeth were gathering clothes, blankets, pillows, and the rest of our food. When they saw me they waved me over.

"How'd it go?" Cailey said calmly.

"What are you guys doing?! We have to go! Get everything inside the back of the mover! NOW!" I ordered. They both grabbed everything and rushed stuff outside. Ty, Luke, and Parker were packing Ty's experiment stuff into boxes. I gave them the same speech I gave Cailey and Elizabeth. The gun Vault was empty. That was good. The rest of the girls, besides Hannah, were getting any tools we could use out of the garage. Both Bens were getting the medical stuff out of the cabinets. I bolted up the stairs to Zach's room and tried to open the door. It was locked.

"Who is it?!" Zach called.

"It's me! We have 5 minutes! Let's go!" I yelled.

"Just a minute, I won't need long.." Zach replied. I heard Hannah giggle to that.

"What's going on in there?!" I called, pounding on the door. Then I got a picture in my mind. "You know what, don't tell me. Just hurry up we have to go!!"

"Dray!! We have enemies coming from all directions, get out here!!" Big Ben called from the front door. I pulled my Revolver out of my pocket and zipped to the front of the house. As soon as I step out the front door, I see that everyone, including Hayden was holding off the enemy advance.

"We need to finish packing!! Hurry, all girls get ready to go!! Men, if they want to show force, let's show them courage!! Who's with me?!?!" I yelled to my friends. All of them let out battle cries and We gathered at the gate of the wall. We shut the gate and backed up. There were sandmen climbing over the walls everywhere.

"Me and Aaron can get the front gate!! Dray and Luke, get those guys on the side!" Ben yelled from the turret on the truck. He pulled the trigger and slaughtered at least six men. Aaron tapped his staff and the blade popped out. He whirled it around at anyone who made it over the wall. He sliced through three soldiers before I went with Luke to hold the back wall.

"Dray, 10:00!!" Luke yelled as two soldiers hopped over the wall to my left. I aimed and shot the first in the chest, twice. He fell to the ground and I shot the other man in the skull.

"As long as we hold them off until we can pack everything!! Cailey, how we doin'" I yelled.

"Five more minutes!!!" She screamed back.

"I don't think we have that much time!!!" I replied over the sound of gunfire. Luke shot a soldier that was on top of the wall and he fell backwards off the wall onto more soldiers. There were so many of them. Then there was an explosion about thirty feet from where we stood. They had blown through the wall where Parker and Big Ben were holding off. As the smoke was clearing, soldiers shot all around them. Me and Luke left our spot and rushed to assist them. We shot into the smoke filled hole, hoping to hit something, when something was thrown at us. It landed right under us all. A grenade.

"Everybody move!!!" Luke yelled. We all jumped out of the way and the grenade detonated behind us. My head began to feel dizzy. My ears rang. I looked back up and saw that no one was hurt. The enemy had bought themselves some time and we're now inside the wall. We all took cover behind the shed and reloaded.

"We have to get out of here!! You two go first, dray and I will cover you!!" Parker yelled to Luke and Big Ben. They nodded and got ready to run for the trucks. He turned to me and wiped his cheek. He had been grazed with a stray bullet. "You ready, brother?!"

"Let's do this!! GO!!!" I yelled. Parker and I both jumped out from behind the shed and unloaded. There were at least twenty enemies shooting at us. I felt a bullet go straight through my leg but I didn't stand down. I shot until Luke and Big Ben were at the trucks.

"Come on!!" Luke yelled to us as he and Big Ben covered us. Parker had been shot several times but ran right beside me like an angry bull. We made it to the trucks and looked back at our enemies. There were rows of them coming from the hole in the wall. There had to have been sixty of them. I don't know how we could hold them off.

"Need a hand?" I heard nick say behind us. He was holding the chain gun. Next, he did the most badass thing ever. He walked out in front of the small army coming through my backyard and shot. For a solid 60 seconds he mowed through the soldiers. One by one, they all hit the ground. There were piles of bodies

"We're ready!! Let's go!!" Cailey yelled. We all ran for the vehicles. Zach was killing sandmen that were coming in the gate as we all got into the vehicles. Hannah, Brianna, Ty, Luke, and Madison got into the DC truck, Parker, Nick, Cailey, and Elizabeth piled into the PG truck, Hayden, Big Ben, Aaron and the supplies were in the Mover bus, and Ben was waiting for me and Zach in his car. We were ready to get the hell out of there.

"Zach, get in!!" I yelled to my friend. He ran to the car and slammed the door when we were in. Then I remembered something inside. "Wait, I need to grab something!!"

"What?! No, Dray!!" Zach yelled. I pushed him out of the way and opened the door. The gunfire was so loud I could barely hear myself think. I hurled myself towards the front door and when I opened the front door, he was sitting right in front of me. We almost forgot Tyson. I picked him up and heard soldiers break through windows and the backdoor. I hurried back to the car and jumped in. Zach punched me in the shoulder.

"Let's go!!" I yelled. Ben peeled out and we led the charge. We made a convoy. It went Ben's car, the PG truck, the Mover, then the DC truck. We burst through the enemy line and hurled down the road. We escaped. But we weren't out of the fight yet.

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