The Escape

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We flew down the empty road onto the highway with the sandmen right on our tails.

"You risked the lives of our entire team for a stupid cat!?!?" Zach screamed at me. I couldn't just leave him.

"Shut up, we have to deal with them!" I said pointing at the cluster of armored truck that was following us down the highway.

"Hey, reach in the glove box." Ben instructed me. I clicked it open and pulled out a small walkie-talkie. "Each vehicle has one of those. Except the mover. We have to get rid of those trucks."

"Hello?" I said as I clicked the button.

"Drayton? This is the DC truck. We're getting torn up we need to get out of here." Hannah answered on the radio.

"All the weapons are in the back of the DC truck." Nick added from the PG truck

"Both trucks need to get someone on the turrets and cover me I have an idea." I said into the radio. The others did as I said and Ty and Cailey took control of the turrets. "Nick, get as close to Ben's car as you can."

"Got it." Nick replied over the sound of the turrets. I looked over at Zach who was trying to figure out what I was thinking.

"Be ready" was all I said before I opened the car door. I grabbed onto the top of car door and boosted myself on top of the car. The wind stung my skin like needles. Nick had gotten fairly close to the back of the car. Without hesitation, I leapt over to the PG truck. I looked in the window and Nick looked like he was mad but impressed. I gave him a thumbs up then climbed up towards Cailey. She stopped firing when an enemy truck exploded. She looked at me in shock.

"What are you doing?!" She yelled.

"Saving us!! Move!!" I yelled I slid to the back of the truck and looked at Aaron in the driver's seat of the Mover. He mouthed what are you doing and I just waved for him to come forward. He did as I told and I took a second jump. This time, I landed hard on my knees. My gunshot wound was killing me. Hayden put his head out the window and yelled.

"Here!!" He yelled, handing me a small case. It had a little handle on it and was green. "I stole those earlier!!"

"Thanks?" I yelled as I opened the box. Inside were four grenades. I put them all in my pockets, and by doing so, almost falling off the bus. I still had one more jump. I had to get to the DC truck. Brianna already knew what I was doing. She pulled up behind the bus and I hopped onto the hood. Ty was shooting as many trucks as he could but it wasn't enough. He climbed back into the truck so I could slide inside as well. I fell into the the back seat with ty, Luke, and Madison.

"What are you doing?! You're going to get yourself killed!!" Brianna yelled at me. I ignored her and looked further back in the truck at the pile of weapons. I grabbed Ben's sniper rifle and an assault rifle and looked at Brianna.

"Get me back up to Ben's car!" I told her. She floored it and we slowly passed the mover and the PG truck. Zach looked out the window of the car as I reappeared next to the turret with the rifles. "Catch!"

"Got em!" Zach yelled as he caught the assault rifle. He shoved it inside the window and he opened the door for me to jump back in. I held my breath and jumped. My entire life slowed when my fingers missed the top of the car. But before I could hit the ground, Zach's hand locked onto mine. I dangled like a worm on a hook. He pulled me in and I could breathe again.

"Thanks, brother." I whimpered. "Ben, I'll take the wheel. You're the best with a sniper rifle. Take out the drivers."

"You've never driven! No!" Ben exclaimed.

"I can do it!! You have to let me! Hurry!" I yelled. I haven't driven since we had taken a trip to Oklahoma. Ben sighed then grabbed the sniper rifle. I held the wheel from the passenger seat while Ben put the top half of his body out of the car window and looked down the sights of his rifle. He held it awkwardly due to his missing hand.

"Hold us steady!" Ben yelled. I made sure we stayed on the road and kept us steady. He shot and hit one of the enemy's tires. It slower and let all the other trucks pass it. "There's seven more, Dray. I have five bullets."

"Make them count." I said to my friend. "Zach, reach in my pocket!"

"What?! No way!!" Zach argued.

"Do it or we're going down!!" I ordered him. He did as I said and reached into my right pocket. He pulled out two of Hayden's grenades.

"Thanks. Let's do this." He said. He did the same as Ben and I took full control of the truck. I went aside and let the others get in front of us. Once we were in back, the trucks were right on us. Zach and Ben tag teamed each truck. Zach would shoot the soldier on the turret the Ben would take a few shots at the Driver. One of his bullets tore through the first driver's face. The trick spun out of control and slammed through the side barrier and into the ditch. There was a truck that avoided Ben's shots and rammed the back of us. Ben lost his balance and started to tip backwards. I reached over and grasped the front of his shirt so he wouldn't fall.

"Light em up, Z!!!" I yelled to my friend. He smirked then unloaded on the closest truck, letting out a battle cry as he did. Our car was strong but it was still taking severe damage. Three trucks remained on our back. Ben had one bullet left in his clip. Zach was also low. He still had the grenades but we couldn't hold off the trucks much longer without ammo.

"Oh, crap." Ben and Zach said at the same time. I couldn't see what they were talking about because I was so focused on the road.

"What?!" I asked. Then I heard a noise getting louder and louder. I had heard the noise before. It was a helicopter.

"We need help. Get us up to the mover!" Ben said to me. I floored it and sped up aside the mover. Big Ben was hanging out the window with two clips of ammo for Zach and he had a strange look on his face. Ben apparently knew what was about to happen. He nodded to his fellow Ben and boosted up to the top hatch of the bus. Hayden handed him something from below and he pulled it up to his shoulder. It was an RPG. Nick's RPG. He aimed it upwards towards the pursuing chopper. The Helicopter's MGs fired, as Big B pulled the trigger. The rocket whistled through the air and flew right at the chopper's propellers. It detonated and a cloud of black smoke and fire came out of the sides of the helicopter. Two soldiers tried to escape their fate by jumping out of the helicopter onto the road behind us. Both were ran over by their own side. The helicopter spun in circles and crashed in the road. It's debris caused the other trucks to have to go around. We were approaching a bridge when I got another idea. I reached into my left pocket and poked Zach's leg to get his attention.

"Zach pull all the pins when I say and drop them straight down." I said as we hit the beginning of the bridge. "Now!!"

"Let's do dis!!" He yelled as he pulled all the pins. All four grenades detonated around the same time and caused the bridge to start to collapse. We were safe from the trucks because they had no way of getting over but we still were on a falling bridge so... I hit the gas as hard as I could and we caught up with the rest of our group right as the bridge collapsed behind us. We barely made it off the end of the bridge. The group cheered and celebrated from the other vehicles and we proceeded down the highway. We escaped.

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