The Newbie

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Hannah woke up, alone in her bed. Today, she would visit the abandoned Hospital with Brianna, Madison, and Emilie, to get an ultrasound. It had been long enough for her to finally see what her baby would be. She got dressed and went downstairs.

"Good morning, Hannah." Brianna said as Hannah entered the kitchen.

"Good morning." She replied. Brianna and Emilie were drinking a cup of coffee to give them energy for the busy day ahead of them.

"We're leaving as soon as we have everyone. Where's Madison?" Emilie asked. Before they could reply, Madison burst through the door wearing a ball cap and a large backpack. Hannah smiled.

"You ready?" Hannah asked her. She grinned and nodded, excitedly.

"I can't wait!! My brother says I'm not allowed to go on missions like this, but he's not here!! What's going to happen? Are we going to get in a gunfight? Are we going to make something explode? Do I get a gun?!" Maddie bursted out. Emilie placed her hand on Maddie's shoulder and looked her in the eyes.

"All we're doing is gathering medical supplies and Hannah's getting an Ultrasound. Your brother would kill me if he knew I wanted you to come. Me and Brianna's job is to make sure Hannah stays safe." She explained.

"What's my job?!" Maddie asked, bouncing up and down.

"Nothing." Emilie said firmly.

"Nothing?" Madison asked, losing her excitement.

"All your going to do is stick to me like glue." Emilie instructed.

"Okay. Glue..." Maddie said drilling it into her brain. She wanted to show the other girls that she could be cool, like them. Hannah approached her and smiled.

"This'll be fun. She just wants to keep you safe. I bet your brother would be proud to find out you didn't die in our care." Hannah said cheerfully. Maddie smiled back and reached into her bag.

"So, I packed food, water, bandages, sunglasses, a brush, a bomb, some bullets for you guys, a towel..." Maddie started, but was cut off.

"What do you have?" Brianna asked.

"A towel?" Maddie asked.

"No, before that." Emilie stated.

"A hairbrush?" Maddie asked sweetly.

"No!! The other thing." Emilie said.

"A bomb?" She asked pulling out a ball of wires and other items, that were mashed together.

"Where'd you get a bomb, Mad?!" Emilie asked her.

"Ty built it. I took it off his desk." Maddie stated. She acted as if everyone had a bomb in their backpack. The others brushed it off and continued to get ready to leave. While Hannah went upstairs to grab Zach's pistol and Brianna went to grab the keys to the truck, Maddie stopped Emilie and repeated one of her questions. "Do I get a gun?"

"I don't want your brother to hate me. No, you can't have a gun." Emilie stated.

"Okay..." Maddie said, sadly.

"But you can hold this.." Emilie said pulling her father's knife from her pocket. It's blade was clean and shined in the light. The handle was bronze and the entire weapon was about 8 inches long. "This is my father's knife. I never leave the house without it. It's the only thing I have left. Don't lose it."

"I won't. I promise to be careful." Maddie said gently holding the knife in her hand. It was surprisingly light for it's size. She slipped it into her pocket and she went to wait at the front door. As she was walking through the living room, Ty stopped her.

"Have you seen my explosive? I left it on my desk. I was going to give it to Dray, when he got back." Ty explained. Maddie smiled and shook her head. Ty mumbled and went past her. The four girls gathered at the front door with all of their things.

"We good to go?" Emilie asked. The others nodded and they continued out to the truck. Madison sat in the back with Hannah.

"Hey, Mad." Hannah whispered.

"What?" Madison questioned.

"This is for you. Put it in your bag." Hannah handed her a small pistol. She quickly dropped in her backpack and zipped it closed.

"We'll be there in an hour, at most." Brianna said to the others. Madison was filled with excitement the entire drive. She thought it would be a memorable experience. She was right. None of the girls would forget this day.

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