Trio Of Heros

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We left for LA early in the morning. Ben, Zach, and I were going down the highway in Ben's car.

"I'm ready to kick some sandman ass." Zach said. It was obvious that we were all filled to the rim with adrenaline.

"You guys remember the plan?" I asked.

"Yup. We're good." Ben said hyped.

"Alright, boys. You know.. Now that I think of it.. Before they attacked, us three were the biggest jokes in that school. Now everyone looks up to us." I said happily. Our team faced terrifying odds. Our plan was to hold out in the Dodgers baseball stadium. The good thing was in the stadium, there were limited entrances for them. But the bad thing was there were limited escape routes for us. The rippers had supplied us all with black ski masks so they wouldn't be able to see our faces. He had assigned code names so we wouldn't say our real names just to be safe. Let's see if I can remember. I remember, I was Alpha-1, Victor was Alpha-2, Ben was Beta, Zach was Zeus, Big Ben was Big Beta, Cailey was Charlie, Elizabeth was Echo, Aaron was Cyborg, Hayden was half pint, Ty was Sci, Luke was Bruiser, Nick was giant, Parker was Giant Jr., Hannah was precious cargo, Brianna was Afrodite,Madison was Mini, and Kane was Walker, and Victor's men's I didn't know. Try to remember that.

"Alright, people." Cailey said over the radio. "We've entered hostile territory. Masks on. No more real names."

"Copy that." Cyborg replied from the mega mover.

"Alpha-2, do you copy?" Charlie's voice said over the radio.

"Copy, Charlie, we're right behind you." Alpha-2 replied.

Then all hell broke loose.

"Missile incoming!!! Afrodite watch out!!" Alpha-2 yelled through the device. An RPG flew across the horizon. I turned around in my seat and watched the missile make impact with the ground beside the PG truck. Afrodite swerved just at the right time. She regained control of the vehicle as we caught sight of something horrific. A row of twelve Armored vehicles and it looked like a hundred sandmen. We were headed right for them. I could see the stadium behind them in the distance.

"Zeus grab the radio!" I yelled. He did and handed it to me. "Charlie, what do we do?!"

"Don't stop!!" Alpha-2 yelled to me.

"Negative, we need a new route." Charlie argued.

"I repeat, do not stop!!" Alpha-2 yelled.

"What do I do, dude?!" Beta yelled as we launched toward a solid wall of war machines.

"Alpha-2, whatever you're about to do, do it fast!" I responded. We were going 85 mph towards the sandmen. Just when I thought we were going to die, two RPG rockets flew past us from behind. They swirled through the air and hit in the middle of the row of armored trucks. They exploded and made a perfect path to the stadium. Bullets flew everywhere around us.

"Go through, now!!" Alpha-2 yelled. Beta zoomed through, leading the charge.

"We're through, Alpha-2." I said, getting my assault rifle ready. Beta had my pistol so I had to make use of the rifle. Once everyone was through, they started to come after us. Just as planned. I was to far in front to help hold them off. After a minute or two we had entered the stadium parking lot.

"Everybody inside!!! Move now!!" I yelled over the radio. Zeus, beta, and I all hopped out of the car and turned to hold off advancing sandmen. I shot as many men as I could before I had to reload. As I reloaded, I turned to see the face of one of Alpha-2's men get blown off. His body flopped to the ground as I turned away.

"Everyone inside!!" Charlie yelled over the noise. The group did as she said and quickly made it's way into the stadium. Giant was Carrying Emilie over his shoulder with one hand and had a shotgun in the other. Next to him, Echo and Cyborg were assisting Precious Cargo into the stadium.

"Echo, where are we holding out?!" Walker asked after shooting at someone behind him.

"Follow Charlie!! She'll lead the-" echo was cut off by a horrific sight. A bullet from a heavy sniper rifle ripped straight through Charlie's chest. A gaping hole oozed with blood right where her heart should have been. Echo watched with a tear in her eye as Charlie collapsed to her knees, then flat on her stomach. "Noooo, Cailey!!!"

"We have to go, Alpha-1!!! NOW!!" Mini yelled shooting her pistol behind us. I grabbed Echo by the arm and pulled her away from Charlie and led the way through the stadium. When there was no where left to go I led my team onto the field.

"Down in here!!" Half pint yelled to us. Just before he followed the last person into the dugout, a grenade hit the ground next to him. Without hesitation, he snatched it up, and ran out away from us. Right when he reared back to throw it, it detonated. When the smoke cleared, nothing was left but various body parts and a lot of blood. I looked away trying not to vomit. Echo was sitting curled up in a ball having a break down.

"This is it, my friends." Alpha-2 yelled to us. "Kill as many as you can!!"

"Parker, watch out!!!" Giant yelled, jumping in front of his son, as a sniper shot. The bullet entered his chest and he died almost instantly. Parker wasted no time at all. He grabbed his father's assault rifle and his own and jumped out of the dugout. He roared and shot both guns at once. He shredded several sandmen before the same sniper shot him through the skull.

"No, no, no!!!" I yelled when my rifle jammed. A sniper in the distance let off another shot. It barely missed and hit the wall behind me. "Beta, you need to take out that sniper!!"

"Got him in my sights." He responded. He pulled the trigger and smiled. "He's dead."

"Good job!" I said to him. Just then, a armoured truck drove out onto the field and it's gunner started to unload on our bunker. It took out three of Alpha-2's men before I yelled to Cyborg.

"We need to get rid of that gunner!! We're pinned down!" I yelled to him.

"Vic, It's Time!!" He yelled. I was confused by what he meant. Alpha-2 nodded and yelled something to his men. Then, he looked at me and simply said.

"Good luck." Then he and Victor's men jumped up from the bunker and distracted the gunmen. He turned the turret towards Victor and pulled the trigger. Victor was dead. The man shooting the turret turned and completely wiped out Victor's men. Aaron had used this time to hop onto the truck and shoot the man in the face. He then pulled a hand grenade out of his vest and pulled the pin. He dropped it down the hole on top of the armored truck and dove out of the way. The truck then exploded in a sea of fire and metal. Then we heard it. A sound we had heard before. I looked up through the fog to find two war helicopters aiming straight at our bunker. I was going to die.

"Bubby, watch out!!" Mini yelled. All of a sudden, two RPG's launched rockets at the helicopters. The men inside them jumped out, trying to escape the flames but died when they hit the ground. Both helicopters spun out of control and smashed into each other. The force of them hitting the ground knocked me off my feet. When I hit the ground, I felt a horrid pain coming from my chest. I dizzily looked down to find that I had a bullet hole in my lower chest. I felt the world getting darker as I laid my head on the ground. Smoke covered most of the area from the crash. I could hear muffled yells and gunshots. I couldn't see any of my friends anymore. My vision began to blur as I two figures approached me from the smoke. One was tall and tan like me and the other was short and had glasses and black hair. My eyes began to close as one knelt over me. He seemed to examine my face as he looked over me.Then he looked back at his friend with a smile, as my world was consumed by darkness.

"We found them." He said, "We found the Awake."

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