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Camila is slowly making her way home when she hears a noise in the distance. Turning around to scan the area the small girl jumps when she sees two red eyes staring back at her. Camila cautiously starts to turn around only to realize the red eyes are now right in front of her.

Looking up, Camila screams when she notices the once hidden figure is now staring down at her. Only seeing red eyes, Camila looks quickly around for anyway to escape when suddenly a flash of black knocks the hooded figure to the ground.

The black blur of fur turned to Camila quickly before bitting into her attackers neck, drawing out a deep red liquid. Before death took the hooded figure, he whispered something about just the beginning, laughing while his body gave out.

Camila stops her thoughts racing a thousand miles per hour by facing her savior. A black wolf with striking green eyes.

Before anyone can speak Camila watches as the wolf transforms into her girlfriend, well almost. Lauren is standing in front of her, half wolf, half human. Lauren now a bit more hairy and supporting fangs, rushes up to Camila and grabs her cheeks, checking for any damage.

Once she's satisfied her girlfriend is safe Lauren steps back and looks at Camila, waiting. Camila stares for a second before she grabs Lauren and hugs her whispering a quite thank you, tears in her eyes.

"How'd you get out of the cellar?" Camila asks once she's settled down, leaning into her girlfriend.

"I heard a scream and I just knew it was you, my wolf, it knew. It pulled at the restrains until they broke and then it was blurry. I just knew i needed to get to you."

Lauren wrapped her arms around Camila, pulling her closer, her heat momentarily forgotten as a result of the attack.

Camila broke out of the embrace and looked up at Lauren, taking in her features. Her widows peak now more pronounced as well as her canines. Camila grabbed Lauren's hand in her own, studying the now black nails.

Lauren pulled her hand back after a few seconds, cupping Camila's cheek.

"Baby, I need to get you home and then I need to go back to the cellar. My wolf wants you and I need you to be safe before anything."

Camila sighs at Lauren's words. Her eyes showing the protest of letting her girlfriend suffer alone. Knowing it was for the best, Camila intertwines her fingers with the wolfs and leading them back to her house.

Once at home, Camila climbs through her window, but not before she kisses Lauren goodnight. Her girlfriend sighs before resting her forehead on Camila's.

"Four more days, darling. I promise."

Camila smiles sadly, now in her bedroom, she watches from the window as Lauren transforms back into a full wolf. Tail swishing behind her as she quickly heads back to the cellar to finish off her heat. Keeping herself and her true love safe.

a/n: okay so it's been a year... sorry about that. I'm kinda done with 5h and camren, as you can tell from the lack of updates. i've moved on and as i'll always love them i'm just not feeling it anymore. i've boarded other ships(such as supercorp and wayhaught) so sorry:( there's a big chance this is my last update. thank you all to everyone who has red this crappy little fanfic i pulled out of my butt i love you all. also the whole half werewolf thing, i was thinking mason from wizards of waverly place when he was half transformed so yea.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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Her Little Wolf (A Camren Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ